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It was the same thing as always. The same damn nightmare. Even the shade of blue was identical and all Team could do was to wait until he felt just a bit better but it was worse this time because Win had witnessed it and he was scared that the older would run away from the mess he was and the chaos he carried within himself but for the moment, Win just blinked at him.

"Are you okay?" Win asked him and all Team had to do was to lie. It wasn't that he wanted to lie to his hia at that moment, but 'are you okay' could have only one response and that was 'yes I am'.

"Yeah, of course," Team spoke with a nasally voice as he used the sleeves of his sweater to wipe the tears from his cheeks.

"I need to know why you get these nightmares and why you had a panic attack that day at the pool." Win inquired and Team was surprised to see the determination on the older boy's face.

"I don't want to tell you." Team spoke realizing what a jerk move that was. Win had spent nights snuggled up against him just so he could sleep and Team couldn't even open up to him.

"Why?" Win spoke with such an emphasis on the word that made something shift inside Team, he didn't know what.

"I am not ready to tell you."

"That is bullshit. We have been together for two months now and I didn't ask you then but I really think you should tell me now."

"I am not ready," Team repeated as he prayed the older would stop questioning him.

"If you don't want to tell me, that's fine but just know that you are really hurting me right now," Win spoke as he distanced himself from the dark haired boy in a way that made Team more angry than sad not because Win was overstepping his boundaries but because he was absolutely right. Not telling Win was his decision and Win would have to respect it but it was not the right thing to do.

"Fine. My older brother died when I was twelve and I have nightmares about it. Are you happy now?" Team spoke in a sharp tone and even though it was not the full truth, Win would have to do it for now. The blue of the water still haunted Team when he spoke about it. For now, Team would not mention anything about the pool, the water and his involvement. For now, Team would only speak the half truth and anyway, that was what Team did on a daily basis. He didn't lie but he didn't necessarily say anything true either.

Win sighed sadly as he looked at the younger boy, maybe for the first time realizing how broken he was or maybe just analyzing him, Team did not know. Team closed his eyes for longer than a second and when he opened them, Win was again closer to him and Team suddenly stopped breathing.

"I'm sorry Team. I didn't mean to make you sad or angry at me. I just wanted to know because I want to know you and everything that makes you who you are even if its not the happy parts. If we are in this together, we have to go through the happiest parts and the ugliest part and accept each other not despite it but sometimes, because of it. That is the only way a good relationship works. Am I right?"

Team was a jerk.

Team was a stupid jerk.

He just nodded stupidly at the older boy's words.

"You have me," Win spoke as he hugged him and Team couldn't help but cry making the older boy's shirt soggy with every tear but he couldn't stop. He didn't want to stop. Crying in someone's embrace felt so good, it was definitely much better than keeping your pain to yourself.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to take it out on you." He spoke, his voice coming out muffled as he continued to bury himself under the blonde's embrace.

Would anything ever be different? Probably, probably not but it didn't take Team a second to at least give it a shot, being happy that is and maybe even being in love because he was falling in love with Win faster than he'd like and even though he had never been in love before, it didn't take him much time to realise what the feeling was and being under Win's embrace didn't constrict him, it made him more free than he had ever felt. True love is not supposed to make you feel caged, it is supposed to make you feel liberated.

Win booped his nose playfully and Team giggled softly.

"Go take a shower, you are sweaty," Win spoke in the softest tone ever and Team smiled despite the pain in his heart.


Author's note: I have already kind of written the next part but I am still not sure about it. I will post it tomorrow though. Also.............. if you stan Ateez, I am writing a woosan fanfic and I have published its first part so you can check that out if you want.

This chapter is aimed more towards the character development so I hope you liked it. The next chapter is going to be much better, I promise.

I hope everyone who is reading this right now is having a nice day. Drink lots of water and don't forget to eat!

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