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It was after an hour long conversation with Pharm that Team realised that it was time for him to get it together.

When the door to his unlocked apartment opened, he thought it was Win who had come but then again, the older boy never entered his apartment without knocking. It had been Pharm instead who had looked at the mess he was and in a way, Team was glad he had someone to talk to.

It didn't matter that his best friend saw him in his vulnerable state. He was his best friend after all and if anyone was allowed to see him in the state he was, it was him.

Team really really needed to get his shit together as soon as possible. He was not going to hurt the one person who actually liked him for who he was.

"You know that he's right for you. He loves you and you love him too so what's the problem?" Pharm had said.

"I am the problem."

"Dude you have to stop treating yourself like you're the victim. Act like the badass I know you are, the one who isn't afraid of loving other people and the one who doesn't punishes himself for no reason at all."

However, all that was easier said than done but just because it was hard, didn't mean Team wasn't gonna do it. He was going to be strong which to be frank, wasn't his greatest suit.


"I can't believe we are going back to school in a few days." Win spoke over the sound of the movie playing. The younger was in the arms of his boyfriend and was almost asleep but the sound of his voice woke him up from his trance.

"I don't wanna go." He spoke, his voice coming out muffled and cracked. "I wanna stay like this." The boy spoke hugging the boy and bringing him even closer.

Although some days had been pretty horrible, the last couple of days had been pretty good and the younger boy wanted more days like those.

Win chuckled and Team could feel the vibration of his laughter through his chest. He leaned up to look at the blonde who had his eyes glued to the laptop screen. Team couldn't help but get sleepier when Win's hands slipped into his hair.

"Then we shall stay like this." Win spoke softly to the boy next to him.


"You wanna sleep? I can turn the movie off," Win said.

"No. You can watch it and anyways, the background noise kinda helps me fall asleep." The boy entangled his cold feet into the older's legs when he felt the older shudder a bit.

"Why are your hands and feet always so cold?"

"I don't know..... but you're warm so it feels really nice."

"You're so cute." Win poked his nose as he leans in go peck him on his lips.

"What was that for?" Team questioned.

"For being the way you are."

At that, Team's cheeks turned crimson red as he buried himself deep into the blanket.

"Don't be cheesy." He spoke, his voice coming out almost inaudible from under the blanket.

"I'm gonna be as cheesy as I want to be because you deserve it."

Team smiled but didn't say anything as he calmed into the warmth radiating from his boyfriend's body.

"I really want to make you happy." Win spoke again quietly probably not expecting Team to hear it.

"You already do, so much."

In less than a minute, he was asleep with his body connected to Win's and his heart- content and happy in ways he had never been.


A cute and fluffy chapter cause they deserve it.

Also, I updated late again because I have been sad lately and I don't feel like doing anything at all when I'm feeling like that.

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