Final Bonus Part & Book 3 Prologue

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On Olympus, not long after the end of Chapter 25 ....

"You must be wrong Hermes, there is no way that he could have become immortal without the hand of the gods, it is simply impossible and I will not stand for it!" It was a normal day on Olympus, Gods shouting and arguing left right and center, this time about a hero they all knew had turned down immortality from them, yet was somehow immortal himself. Zeus especially didn't like this situation, he had already attempted to take measures against the hero gaining too much power in the past, even getting the gods to plague his friend with jealousy and plant an idea in his head about taking away Perseus' tail . That plan largely backfired on him, as he was just finding out.

"I hate to break it to you but it's true. No one can really tell what happened with Percy, but he became immortal after the virus on Mako Island took away his tail. We wouldn't have even found out about this had he stayed there, but when Grover attempted to kill him, the rest of camp Half Blood found out, as well as us and Camp Jupiter. "Hermes stated. None of the Gods could figure out how he had in fact become immortal, because to them the only way they knew was by their own hands.

"If I may interrupt this very ... calm ..... discussion," a dark figure walked in, Hades, who appeared to have some insight into the situation, "I believe I may know a little on how Percy became immortal , notice how I said immortal since I do not believe he is a true God. "

"What could you possibly have to say about this brother- he is not your  son who has felt this loss and is now nearly at war with Olympus."

"His soul came into the Underworld for a brief moment when he was affected by the virus, this is why I have far more insight than you fools, though that isn't really saying much. After he came into the underworld, I was in shock in all honesty, but I started to prepare the paperwork for him, then all of a sudden, he was gone again. It was unlike anything I had ever witnessed before, he died then all of a sudden came back to life. I don 't know if he was brought back from his sheer strength, or if someone else brought him back. Regardless, in his resurrection, this was when he became immortal I believe. " Hades paused for a moment, "So I don't know if one of you is responsible for condemning him to an eternity of misery or if this was the work of another God, since it is impossible for him to have been turned in any other way. Though I may have not liked him for quite a long time, I respected him, far more than any of you, and that is all I had to say. Good luck figuring out what truly took place. "He said the last part with a hint of sarcasm in his tone, then disappeared into the shadows once more.

Zeus now was more angry than ever, convinced it was someone on Olympus who had done this without his permission, "I DEMAND WHOEVER COMMITTED THIS ACTION COME FORTH AT ONCE AND FACE YOUR PUNISHMENT" He shouted, a thunderstorm beginning in the mortal world. No one stepped forward, no one admitted to this.

Either someone on Olympus went against the will of their King, or something else was afoot here, a problem much bigger than they were all prepared to face.

Coming to you this summer .....

The third and final installment of the I'm a Mermaid Series: 

The God of Mako Island

Perseus Jackson destroyed the virus that was ridding the Mako Mermaids of their tails, but at a cost. Percy lost his tail, his best friend, and his mortality, all in one day. He feels like he has no one, but he will soon find out who is really there for him. 

The Gods on Olympus have found out about his new immortality, and it's safe to say they're not happy about it, especially since they played no part in it. Has the son of Poseidon become too powerful for them? Can they turn him back into the demigod he once was? Or is it too late for both the Gods, and the Hero?

Something else is afoot, a new foe that none of them were expecting will rise, will they be the end of the Gods? Will the heroes be able to defeat them?


I'm back out of hiding (finally)! Hi everyone!

This has been long in the making and I'm happy I can finally say that the final book of the I'm a Mermaid Series is fully planned out and I have finally  started writing it. I'm so sorry this has been such a long break, I've had no inspiration and started to write this book along with other stories so many times, and I never got into writing any of them. The updates for Book 3, after the prologue and initial 3 chapters are published, will most likely be slower than I have done in the past, though I will try to stick to one update every two weeks. 

My initial plan for book 3 was something shorter, with no real antagonist, and more of an internal conflict for Percy, however that has since changed a lot. The book will still be shorter, most likely 15 chapters of around the same word count as those in book 2, but there will be a genuine antagonist, as well as a proper story line. I have had comments asking about romance, and yes, there will be a love interest for Percy coming in book 3, but it will by no means be any focus of the plot since the book is going to be shorter than the first two.

I'm a Mermaid has reached over 350,000 reads, which is absolutely insane, so thank you to everyone who has read, commented, and voted on this series! I have had near no negativity directed towards me from writing these books, and I do go back to read through all the comments if I'm ever not feeling too great (the #fishlivesmatter chain in book 1 has to be one of my favourite things that happened in the comments), so thank you again to all of you!

That's all from me- I can't wait to see you all in book three in a couple of months time (or however long it takes for me to finish 3 chapters).

- I_Write_Things_01 <333

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