Chapter 12: I'm Guessing This Isn't A Good Thing

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Chapter 12: I'm Guessing This Isn't A Good Thing

Percy's POV:

"We're good." Dr Denman says to me, much to my relief. Of course, this could all be an act, and I'm being really stupid here, but I believe that she's changed. I usually have a good sense of when to trust someone or not, so I'm going with my gut.

I'm probably going to get her help with this whole virus thing as well, because she'll know a thing or two about marine viruses, at least I hope so. "So, how about we go somewhere better to catch up? This isn't really an official parent-teacher meeting anymore, so a more casual setting would be nice. Plus I have something I need your help with, and I don't want anyone listening on the conversation."

"I get that, so how about we head to the cafe for lunch, and then the beach to talk? It's term time and the middle of the day, so the beach shouldn't be too busy."

"Sounds good, plus we can go for a swim, and related to the thing I wanted to tell you, it'd help if I showed you it too."

"I'm intrigued- but I'm guessing this isn't a good thing?" I nod, "Well, I'll help you with whatever you need. I think I owe that to you... I know I've said this, but I am really sorry."

"I am too, because it was my plan to turn you into a mermaid, it changes your life so much, I know that for a fact. Unless you like being a mermaid?"

"It was hard at first, with Marie around, having this huge secret I have to keep from her. I always had these dreams where she would just ask me what I was hiding, and I would simply just tell her without hesitation. It scared me so much, and though I know it didn't happen, I don't know what I'd do if she knew about my secret. I'm used to that feeling now, but it doesn't make it any easier."

"I get how you feel, and I never really kept the secret. I told the people I trusted, but I had a different situation. People looked at me like I was a new person, they didn't trust me anymore. Some were scared of me, some said that I was too powerful, and my own uncle even tried to get me killed (though that's just my dysfunctional family). It's hard, but we have the other mermaids, and we know that there's always someone who understands us. Now, let's go for that lunch." I say. I don't want to spill too much information about my demigod life, but if I know I can trust her, then I'll tell her. It'll be nice to have a friend here in Australia that I can talk to. I have Grover and Solangelo in Camp Half Blood, but no one here knows about my full story. I hope I can change that. "If you ever feel like you need someone to talk to about this, I'll be at school, or in the water."

"Thank you Percy,"

"For what?"

"Forgiving me, being nice to me, for turning me into a mermaid, for making me realise how bad what I was doing was, just for everything."

"No problem, I like to think I'm a good judge of character, and I'm not one to hold a grudge unnecessarily, so I trust you. Just don't betray my trust- I'd never forgive anyone that did that to me."

At the café...

As Dr Denman and I wait for our drinks to arrive, I start to talk, "So, what was living in the Barossa Valley like? It must have been much quieter than life on Mako."

"It was, and it was really nice. Sometimes I could tell that Marie didn't find there was much to do in the small town we were in, but I enjoyed the break from all of the mermaid drama. We weren't on the coast, so it was quite easy for me to hide the whole mermaid thing from people. What about you? Did you leave Mako or have you stayed since?"

"I left Mako about a month or so after you left. My mom and step dad wanted to move back, and I wanted to see my friends. I used to be a head counsellor at a summer camp in America, and I loved everyone there, so it was good to be back. I went to this summer camp every year since I was 12, and when I was 17, I started going year round until I went to college in San Francisco. I taught in New York for a few years, and while I was looking at Mako (because I was thinking of coming back to visit) and I saw a job offer to teach at the local high school. I applied, got an interview, and surprisingly I got the job."

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