Chapter 20: We Have Some Explaining To Do

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Chapter 20: We Have Some Explaining To Do

Percy's POV:

When Isabella heads back to school, I just head back home for the rest of the day. I enjoy spending time with her, and she's been a great friend to me since we got here. I think it would be a good time to IM camp, or specifically, Will, Nico, and Grover to catch up with them. I mean, I could just visit, but I think I'll end up staying there longer than I plan to if I go, plus, I need to get everything ready for Emma, Bella, Cleo, and Rikki to come on Monday. I wonder what they're going to think about Dr Denman being back. I mean, she's changed since then, but they don't know that yet. I wonder if they know about Zac and his friends, I mean, I don't know how long they've all been away from Mako, but Rikki was here recently, so maybe she knows something about them. I wish they would just come and ask me politely for help and who I am, I would have told them about myself being a merman, then after the virus is over, maybe even about my demigod life. It annoys me so much when people just assume the worst about everyone, sure, it's good to be cautious, but don't blatantly assume that because they have a secret, then they're the problem. I get trying to find out who I am, if you suspect something, then it's only natural that you want to know, but just ask me, don't try and interrogate me.

Once I get back home, I create a rainbow and say, "O Fleecy, do me a solid, show me Nico di Angelo in Camp Half Blood, New York." and then toss a drachma in. Nico appears in front of me, and it looks like he's in his cabin. "Nico!" I happily exclaim.

"Hey Percy," He says with a lot less enthusiasm than me, "What's up? How's everything going?"

"Pretty good, but not hugely eventful over here, well apart from some students trying to interrogate me."

"Sounds about right. Oh, Will and I were trying to figure some stuff out about the virus, and Will says if you get him some of the water, or a plant that's been infected, him and some of the Apollo campers could get a better idea of what we're dealing with. Grover hasn't been around much, so I don't know if he knows anything yet."

"Thank you so much for the help, and I'll get that sample to you as soon as I can. I'm probably going to have to go in the virus-infested area for that, but I'll be fine, I'm careful. Most of the time, at least."

"Will says some of the seaweed type plants would be the best study, apparently they are infected by viruses quickly, so should have a good trace of it. I could shadow travel to you in like half an hour if you want me to pick it up."

"Actually, that's a great idea, I'll see you then." Well, I guess I'm going for a swim. It's a good thing I have the entrance to the ocean in my house, it means I don't have to go back to where I was earlier.

I quickly swim to the northern side of the island, and I notice that the virus seems to have spread a little since I was last here. I compose myself, swim into the infected water, and look around for some kelp type plants. I notice some straight away and pick them, while also grabbing a few of the faded corals, then I swim back to my house as quickly as I can. Weirdly, I don't feel too affected from the virus, my powers seem fine, but then I notice that the colour of my tail has become a little lighter than it was before. I guess it doesn't affect my powers because they're technically not from me being a merman, but the tail is. It's probably not a problem, and it's barely even noticeable, so I don't think it's had any major effects on me. I'll just go into that water as little as I can from now on, and it's not like I was dying to endanger myself anyway. I create a protective bubble for the plants I collected so that nothing else can get infected, and so that the samples stay safe as well.

Suddenly, I hear a knock on the door to my house. Just in case it's a mortal, I leave the bubble with the plant samples in in the basement, and then go upstairs to answer the door. To my surprise, Dr Denman was the one to knock. At first I wonder how she knows where I live, but then I remember that I gave her my address a few days ago when I saw her last, "Hey! It's good to see you." I say to her, "How are you?"

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