Chapter 5: I Find a Cool Thing In The Water

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Chapter 5: I Find A Cool Thing In The Water

The next day...

Percy's POV

Class went surprisingly well yesterday, and Isabella Rosins introduced me to some of the other staff at lunch. It felt weird being new there- they all knew each other so well and were making all of these inside jokes I didn't understand. I mean, I'm used to being new, but it somehow feels different as an adult. Eh, it doesn't bother me really, I just made more inside jokes that I would get. I think we all got on pretty well too, I at least hope so.

Today, since I don't have a class, I only have to go into work in the morning for my mentor class, so I'm going to go and dive on Mako for a while in the afternoon, then I can see what's changed for the dive on Saturday. I already have some students in mind to choose to go on the practical dive- with Zac Blakely being one of them. I'll see how he does in the next couple of lessons, and I'll tell them who's going to dive in their lesson on Thursday.

I'm trying to remember the names of the students, but I haven't been able to yet. It's only been a day, but I hate forgetting someone's name. I've always been a true believer of remembering someone's name being one of the highest compliments you can give them, especially after you've only met them once before. In the high school I worked in in America, it only took me a week to learn all the names, but I knew about a third of the class from camp, so I guess it will take me about a week and a half to 2 weeks to learn this class'. I know a few names for the more noticeable students from yesterday, like Zac Blakely, Cam Mitchell, Evie McLaren, Julian Ford, Ophelie Mason, Rose Green, and Carly Morgan.

Cam Mitchell was the one who was on his phone in class- I don't even know what he was trying to do on it, but I have to be careful with people using electronics around me. I'm much more powerful than I was when I was younger, and for some reason, that makes me a bigger target for monsters to come, sometimes they'll come if people around me are using electronics. I had a lot of attacks when I was teaching in America, I know there won't be as many here, but I have to be careful, even though I know I can defeat them, it's more about keeping my identity a secret. I wouldn't want anyone finding out about the Gods- it could put them at risk of attack as well, and the last thing I want is to put innocent mortals' lives at risk.

I vapour travel to my classroom- it's early so barely anyone will be at school, so no one will see me. I like the classroom, plus I'm going to put in the fish tank wall over the weekend, which will make the classroom even better. Then I'll get to talk to the fish on a morning, and even communicate with them when I get bored in lesson time, when I'm not teaching.

I start to draw some plans out for the fish tanks- I've taken up structural drawing in my free time to help me to feel closer to Annabeth. It doesn't make me feel sad, instead, it makes me feel like she's standing right next to me, judging me for every mistake I make, and then helping me fix them all, because there are usually a lot of them. I could just imagine her right now. I wish she was still here with me, I wish I could have gotten to that fight sooner, I could have stopped her going into that coma, but I guess that's how life works. People you love get taken away from you, and you have to cope with that. The fates willed it to happen, and although I'll always wonder if I could have done anything to stop it, what would have happened if I hadn't had pulled the plug, deep down I know that no matter what, she wouldn't have made it. To be honest, I think Aphrodite took her death even worse than I did.

I haven't moved on from Annabeth, and I don't think I ever will. She was the one for me, and there's no one else that I'll ever feel the same way about. I just hope that one day, we'll be able to see each other again.

"Percy! How's my favourite son?" I see my dad in an IM when it opens in front of me. Why did he call? He's lucky that I'm in school earlier than most of the staff and students.

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