Chapter 21: We Go Back To Camp

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"Why drive to me when I'm already at your house?" Percy appears from nowhere, vapour travelling I think he called it, "Hey Marie, I think we have some explaining to do."

"You, you just appeared from nowhere! What? How?"

"Tell me Marie, how much do you know about Greek Mythology?"


Chapter 21:  We Go Back To Camp

Percy's POV:

"Tell me Marie, how much do you know about Greek Mythology?" I ask her, the classic way of staring to tell someone that their parent is a Greek God. After being one of the main people who brings demigods to camp for the past 10 years, I've had to break this news to a lot of people, so I'm pretty well rehearsed.

"Well, I know the basics, the Olympians, Titans, all that. This has something to do with my dad, right?"

"You're right, this is about your dad. I also know from your mom that you used to have dreams about a group of people called the Seven. Well, everything mentioned in Greek Mythology is all true, including the gods, the monsters, and demigods. The Seven were demigods, half mortal, half God, and I am one of the Seven. My name is Perseus Jackson, and my father is Poseidon, the god of the seas. I'm also a merman, like your mother is a mermaid. She was turned my my father, with the help of me, Apollo, and your father."

"My father was here on Mako? When you were here 10 years ago? Who is he?"

"Well, as you'll have realised, your dad is a Greek God. His name is Eros, the god of love." 

"I'm half god? That must be what all the dreams were about then, what was happening to other demigods at the time. Wait- does this mean I have powers too?"

"Well, as your father is the God of love, you are able to tell when people like each other, which may seem useless, but it can be a good skill to have. You also have a power called charmspeak. Mostly Aphrodite demigods get this power, but a few strong Eros ones do as well. This power means that you can alter your voice to get people to tell you anything, or to do anything you want. This power can be very dangerous, so use it sparingly."

"I didn't even realise I had these gifts, but I guess that's why I always think it's obvious when people like each other when other people don't. Oh god- I must have used the charmspeak without knowing it on people! Wait, that must be why you just told me you were a mermaid when I asked, and then forgot about it! I'm so sorry mom, if I'd have known I was doing it-"

"Hey, it's ok, neither of us knew at the time." Dr Denman says.

"How can I control it? How do I stop using it when I don't want to."

"I'm glad you asked. I know it seems cool at first, and don't get me wrong, I still find it amazing, and I've known since I was 12, but it's also very dangerous. You see, as a demigod, you have a strong scent to monsters, the ones from Greek Mythology. We're constantly hunted down by them, but it's usually alright the further you are away from America, and just so you know, the use of technology creates a something like a beacon for monsters to see, so you may have to get rid of your phone before we get to camp. If you're a child of one of the Big Three, then your scent is a lot stronger, so monsters still find me here. The more powerful the demigod, the stronger their scent too, so I'd be careful around the US if I were you."

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