Chapter 6: That's more my cousin's thing

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Chapter 6: That's more my cousin's thing

The next day...

Percy's POV

Over the course of today and tomorrow, I'll be deciding the students that will go on the Mako dive on Saturday. I did try to get the dives to be on school days when I arranged them with Rita, but she wouldn't allow it, so they're all on weekends. What's the fun in not missing class?- Would have been my mentality if I were one of the students, but I'm actually looking forward to diving on Mako. I would have gone to Mako anyway, but I get to give students guided tours instead.

I've just had a great idea! I could speak to them underwater by pretending I have this expensive, high tech equipment!

On second thought, I probably shouldn't do that- people would try to research the equipment I supposedly have and then find out that it doesn't exist (unless it actually does- that would be cool), or they would wonder how a teacher could afford such equipment. Yeah, that wouldn't be a great idea after all, never mind.

In my class today, we have our first actual lesson of the curriculum, so I get to see how the students cope with it. From what I've seen, I would have found the lessons difficult myself, if I wasn't a son of Poseidon. I should be able to tell from the lesson which students just chose this class because they thought it'd be easy.

Well, time to get to school. I love saying that- it sounds like I'm going as a student, but I'm actually the teacher. To be honest, I act more like a student most of the time anyway. I guess act that way because I never really got the chance when I was that age. It was basically, "Hey, there's a great prophecy about you that says you're going to die, so you have to fight in a war when you're 16, not to mention doing about 500 life-threatening quests from the age of 12. Oh, your life isn't in danger anymore and you've just come out of one war? I guess this is a fun time to take away your memory and put you in a coma for 8 months because guess what? You're in another prophecy! You've fought in yet another war and are finally happy and at peace? Let's put your girlfriend in a coma that she'll never wake up from!" I had to grow up and fight monsters, Titans and Primordials before I could legally drink, and that's the same for most demigods, if they even live that long. Being a Greek demigod can be kind of messed up, but at least I'm one of the longest living Greek demigods ever. I mean, the way I act could also be just because I'm just really childish. It's either one of the two.

I can't wait to talk to the marine life too- obviously I wouldn't speak to them out loud, but I'm thinking of having them do something special for the dive. I may teach them some tricks to do for the divers to see- I want this to be the best dive on Mako the students have ever been on. I want the dives to be something they'll remember, something that they're amazed at. I love it when people see the true beauty of the ocean, behind all the danger and tourism, I love it when I see that people appreciate the ocean around them. All I really ever want to do in life is to show and teach people how incredible the ocean is.

Each mentor class also has to do one charity event per year at this school, and I was thinking that my class could clean the waters on Mako of trash, like the beach clean ups people do, but actually in the water. I think it'd really help, and I know for certain that all the marine life would appreciate it.

In class...

"Okay everyone. I hope that you're all having a good day so far and are ready to start this lesson. At the end of tomorrow's lesson, I'll announce the group of students that will be going on this month's Mako dive that will take place this Saturday. Don't be too disappointed if you don't get chosen for this month's dive, there are plenty of other opportunities for all of you. Are there any questions?"

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