Chapter 14: We're not giving up

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Chapter 14: We're Not Giving Up

Mimi's POV:

"What should we do now? I mean, there isn't much we can do to find the merman, and we can't just worry about this all day every day." I say to everyone.

"I guess we won't really know much until we find the merman, but it's not like we can just search all of the water on Mako and find him- that would be impossible- and there's no way we could find him on land." Pearl starts, "I say we just focus on the virus itself instead of the merman. If we come across him that would be great, but the longer we waste our time trying to find him, innocent merpeople could be dying because of the virus."

"That's smart, I wouldn't have thought of it that way, but I guess our first step has to be telling Zac and the others, maybe even your mom Mimi, and Rita, about what happened."

"Should I call him and get everyone to meet us in the moon pool when they're out of school? It's going to be easier to tell them all at once." I suggest, "We just need to be really careful of the virus around Mako when getting there- maybe we should take the land entrance instead of the water one."

"That sounds good, but let's just go and get the others now- it's lunch for the people in school, and this is important enough for them to miss school for. Plus, we can take Cam's boat there to avoid the water." Ondina says.

"If you're sure, then let's go, I'll bring Rita and Nerissa, and you two can get Zac, Evie, Cam, and Carly." Pearl says.

At the high school...

Ondina and I look for Zac, Evie, Cam and Carly in the cafeteria of their school, but after realising that the school is too big for us to ever be able to find them quickly, I decide to just text Zac,

'Hey, could you meet me in the Library ASAP? And bring Evie, Cam, and Carly with you. It's urgent, so come as soon as you see this'

I get a reply within about a minute, 'You're at my school? We're on our way, and I know you'll explain what's up when we get there, so I won't ask'

"He's on his way, he should be here in a couple of minutes." I tell Ondina.

"Mimi!" I hear Zac say as he walks through the library door over to where Ondina and I are sitting, "What are you doing here? How did you even get on campus? Hi Ondina."

"We're mermaids, we can turn invisible Zac." Ondina says before I can reply.

"Right, forgot about that for a second."

"Is either one of you going to explain what's going on and why we're here?" Cam asks.

Ondina and I catch the group up on what happened with her and the virus, then we ask them to come with us to the moon pool to tell Rita and Nerissa and come up with a further plan from there. They all have varied reactions to say the least:

"So we're ditching? Cool. I'm fine with us taking my boat there."

"I'm so glad that merman saved you! But are you sure you don't remember who it was? Do you remember anything else about him?"

"Are you sure you're alright Ondina? Do you still have all your powers? Or have you lost them like I did with the water dragon?"

"I'm glad you're alright, and that no one else was hurt, and it'd be a good idea to tell Rita and mom- they'll be able to help us."

Ondina replies to all the questions with, "Yes, we're ditching, no, I only remember what I told you about the merman, I haven't tried my powers, but the virus almost killed me rather than taking my tail away, so I should be fine. Did I miss anything? No? Alright, let's go before we get caught."

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