Chapter 19: Time to Plan a Reunion!

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Chapter 19: Time to Plan a Reunion!


Percy's POV

At the moment, I'm getting together everyone for our reunion: Rikki, Emma, Cleo, Bella, and I. As I don't have a phone, and I don't want to IM them in case they're in a public place, I'm going to vapour travel to each one individually and organise their visit. First up is Rikki, who's on her book tour at the moment, so hopefully she's still somewhere in Australia and it's not the middle of the night wherever she is.

When I vapour travel, I travel a few metres away from her, just in case there are a load of people around and they can see through the mist. So it looks like I'm in a room full of her artefacts, which means she'll be doing a book signing today. I can't see her around here at the moment, which means I'll have some time to talk to her before she does a signing, or she's already left. I hope it's the first one.

To find this out, I walk over to a guard and ask, "When is Ms Chadwick coming down for the next signing?"

"Can you not read the sign by her table?" Well, he's rude, "The next, and last signing is at 3:15pm, that's in around 10 minutes."

"Thanks for the help." I say as I walk off to a quiet spot so no one can see me disappear. I vapour travel up to the terrace where Rikki will be. I hope that that guy from the airport isn't with her, he really annoyed me when I saw him. He's probably looking after the artefacts, or guarding the outside of Rikki's door. I know for certain that he'll be up to get her when it's time for the signing, so I want to be gone by then. Rikki is sat at a table on a balcony at the moment, using her powers on a small glass of water. "Hey Rikki, miss me?"

She nocks the glass over in shock, spilling all of the water, "Percy? You scared me! And you almost make me break this glass!" I give her a moment to get over the shock until she says, "It's great to see you here though."

"It's great to see you too, but where is here exactly?...."

"We're in the Barossa Valley at the moment, it's a wine growing region of Australia. What brings you here then? I'm sure you wouldn't just visit out of the blue. Is everything all right on Mako?"

"Well, not really, but that's not why I'm here. I'll tell you about that later, it'd be easier if I showed you. As for why I'm here, I was wondering if you were up for a reunion on Mako soon? Just you and me and Cleo, Emma, and Bella?!

"Do you know what? I'd love that, it's been too long since we've all been together. Have you got an idea for when yet?"

"I was hoping to do this as soon as possible, so do you have any time off from your tour soon? I could vapour travel you to Mako so you don't need to book flights or anything. Oh! I almost forgot, my students are doing a research project at the moment, and a group of them are using your book as part of their research, which actually gave me this idea, anyway, I was wondering if you could talk to them about it, maybe give them some more information about the artefacts?"

"I'd love to talk to some of your students about my book. I have next week off the tour, starting on Monday."

"Perfect, I'll pick you up on Monday then. You have a signing in a few minutes, and I have to arrange this meeting with everyone else, so I'll be off before anyone sees me up here."

"See you on Monday Perce."

Next up is Cleo, who I've kept in touch with the most since I left Mako, you know, because she's my cousin. She's visited me about once a year in New York which has been pretty fun. Will, Nico, and Grover have met her a few of those times as well. I know she's in Sydney, working as a dolphin trainer. I seriously don't know how she's doing that job without revealing that she's a mermaid. I hope she's at her work, I love talking to dolphins. I vapour travel to a few feet away from her, and I see that I'm in a marine park. This must be where Cleo works, and I have to say, it seems a lot bigger than the one on Mako. "Cleo? Hey!" I say once I walk over to her.

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