Chapter 18: Why Are People So Stupid?

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Chapter 18: Why Are People So Stupid?

That next day......

Percy's POV:

Near the end of yet another boring day teaching at school (not that I find teaching boring or anything) and not getting any closer to finding out what caused the virus, or how I can stop it, I sit at my desk and plan next month's lessons, and how I'm going to grade their presentations. I wish I had a way to destroy it- I don't want so many mermaids to lose their powers for no reason. I know that I'm pretty much immune to it as far as I can tell, I'm pretty sure that it took the girl I saved's powers, and I know that it definitely isn't natural. I bet all of the answers are right in front of me, if only I had the wits to decipher them.

I start to write a list of all the clues I have towards the virus, and everything I know about it, which isn't much, but it's a start. I'll just keep adding what I learn about it whenever I find something else out. I bet Annabeth could have figured it out right now, or she'd sit and think until she did. I wish I had that motivation, I could never just think about something and actually find an answer to it. Now that's a superpower. I'd ask Athena for help, but she still isn't my biggest fan. I mean, she doesn't hate me anymore, but I still don't think she likes me. Plus, it's not the Gods' problem, so not many of them would help me, at least not directly.

I walk over to my door and open it to let some fresh air in, then open a couple of windows again. I forgot how hot it was here compared to New York, and why does the school have so little AC? It's not that expensive in the long run, especially if it benefits the students so much (and the teachers). When I sit back down, my thoughts wander back to camp. I wonder how the game of capture the flag went before I left, I wonder if Leo's managed to finish that rifle he was working on, I wonder how Nico's doing, teaching everyone in my place.

Suddenly, I notice two people enter my room, but I can't see them. They must be invisible, and I know that mermaids can turn invisible. I'm just going to see how this plays out, I like messing with people, it makes me laugh. I carry on pretending to do work to see where this plays out. I wonder why there are two invisible merpeople in my classroom, I mean, it's obvious that they're not students wanting to ask me a question, so I'm just going to say that they're probably suspicious of me for some reason and want to find evidence to confirm that. That would be my best guess as to what's going on.

Suddenly, my water bottle tips over on to my list, and all over me. Oh, so these people are trying to see if I'm a merman, that makes sense. Now, should I turn, show a little power, or just make them really confused because I didn't? I'm going to go with the middle option. I don't want the merpeople on Mako to completely discount me as a merman, because I want to meet them, but I don't want to show my tail yet, and my difference in power. "Oh Gods!" I say, then I dry the table and myself off, luckily, I manage to salvage my list. "Ok, crisis averted. Hey, it's getting a little cold in here.." I say as I walk over to the door and close it. This is fun, they're going to be panicking so much right now.

Mimi's POV:

Zac and I walk into Mr Jackson's classroom, luckily the door was open, so that helps us to stay hidden. He looks towards the door as we walk in, and almost looks directly towards us, but luckily he can't see us. He looks to think about something for a moment, but then shrugs and goes back to working. Zac and I can't see each other, so I don't know when he's going to push the water bottle over, but when it happens, I'm the one who's supposed to watch Mr Jackson's reaction by his desk.

I see the water bottle fall over and I immediately look at Mr Jackson to see what he does, and if he turns. "Oh gods!" He exclaims, then I see him evaporate the water off of the desk and himself, with powers, "Ok, crisis averted." He says. So he has powers, which means he's highly likely to be a merman. Just as I start to walk towards the door, Mr Jackson starts to speak again, "Hey, it's getting a little cold in here..." he says with a smile on his face, then closes the door. Does he know we're in here? He can't! There's no way he would be able to tell that we were in here! I'm panicking so much- Zac and I are basically trapped in here, if we opened the door, then he'd know for certain we were in here. "You two, whoever you are, reveal yourselves." He says, and I wait to see what Zac does, and he stays invisible, so I do too. "Well, I guess we're going to do this the hard way then," He says. I don't want to move, in case that gives anything away, so I stay as still as I can, though I'm quite close to his desk.

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