Chapter 16: Just another boring class

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Chapter 16: Just Another Boring Class

The next day...

Percy's POV

Today is the first day that my class are meeting in the library to do the project, and I don't want anyone to forget about it and show up to an empty classroom, so I stop by Isabella's room to see if she can write a sight for me to put up on my door. "Hey Isabella, do you have a second?" I ask her as i nock on her door and walk into the classroom. Luckily school hasn't started yet, so she should be free.

I see her sitting at her desk, typing on her laptop, "Sorry Percy, as you can see, I'm too busy for you right now."

"Oh, sorry, I can come back later then-"

"You know I was being sarcastic, right?" She says while trying to hold in a laugh, "I'll always have time for my favourite school neighbor. What can I do for you?"

"I was just wondering if you could write a note for me to put up on my door to remind my class to meet in the library for today's lesson. I'd do it, but you know, dyslexia."

"Of course I an- that's no problem!" She takes out a sheet of paper and writes out the note, "Is typing anything easier? I've always wondered if I should let dyslexic students use a laptop to take notes instead."

"I Personally haven't tried it myself, but I don't think it would work fo time, as I have really strong dyslexia, but It might work for people where it isn't as strong. Plus for me, I try to use technology as little as possible in my day to day life. All it does is cause problems for me that I could easily avoid. It's funny because I've had so many students' parents complain about how they can't contact me, and I'll always tell them that they're free to come and speak to me face to face any time they want, and if they can't be bothered to come and see me, then it clearly isn't important enough for me to know. I went a little off topic there, didn't I?"

"A little," Isabella says, "But the no technology thing is a good idea. You have no idea how many emails I get from teachers at any small inconvenience. To be honest, I mostly ignore the ones I know aren't important, unless they're from a student them self. If they've taken the initiative to contact me themselves, then I respect, and appreciate, that."

"Well, if you need anyone to complain to about teaching or annoying parents, then I'm usually next door."

"The same goes for me." She says, "Would you be up for munch today with the rest of the science department? I know some people don't like the whole department bonding thing, but it can be quite fun sometimes."

"That sounds fun- I'll be there. Just one question, where are we having lunch?"

"We're planning to go to the cafe near the beach- it was called Rikki's when you were last here. We could walk down together if you want.."

"Sure, just stop by my room when you're ready to go."

"Will do." She says, and I walk to tape the sign on the door of my classroom. I'm glad I'm becoming good friends with Isabella, I'm thinking about finding a way to get her and Chad back together, because I know he really likes her, and as more than a friend. I think she really liked him when they were together as well, so if he can make it up to her, then I'm pretty sure they'll get back together.

Once the sign has been taped to my door, I head over to the library to get ready for the lesson, and probably to think about what I'm doing about the virus, and Marie Denman.

Zac's POV

Evie, Cam, Carly and I are on our way to Mr Jackson's marine biology lesson, until Evie asks, "Weren't we supposed to meet at the library today? To work on the project?"

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