Chapter 3: For Once Nothing Bad Happens To Me

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Chapter 3: For Once Nothing Bad Happens To Me

Percy's POV

I hate airports. For starters, people come here to get on a tin can in the air, which is already bad, then they queue for at least 2 hours, to get on a flying death trap, and to top it all off, they pay twice the amount thy would normally pay on items, purely because there's no tax on it. Like, what the Tartarus? Why would someone do that? It makes no sense, even to me!

As I'm walking out to get a cab, I see someone very familiar, "Rikki?" I ask. She has a load of people around her, that are trying to look intimidating. One of them comes up to me.

"I'm sorry, but Ms Chadwick is busy, you may get a book signing or picture on her tour." He says.

What? Is she famous or something? "It's fine- I'm an old friend." It's cool that she's doing a tour- I'm guessing she might be an author then, because of the book signing.

"That's what all fans say when trying to meet her, we won't be falling for it." Ok, now I'm annoyed, and determined to speak to her.

"I can prove it- let me speak to her, she'll remember me." At least I hope she will.

"Alright, but if you are lying, we will ban you from the rest of the tour." They were easy to convince. And I didn't even know she was doing a tour until today, and she does know me, so I'm not worried.

I see him go back over to her and lead her over here. "If this is a joke-" I catch her say. Yep, that's definitely Rikki.

"He will be banned from the tour if he is proven wrong, do not worry Ms Chadwick." He's such a suck up, it's unreal.

"Hey Rikki- remember me?" I say. She looks blank for a second, I'm going to need to say more, "We met here on Mako 10 years ago, I'm Cleo's cousin-"

"Percy Jackson!" She says. "Leave us two alone to catch up, we have plenty of time to get our flight." She says to suck up guy. "What are you doing back here?" 

"I've surprisingly become a teacher, and I'm going to teach at the high school in Mako." I say.

"What subject? Wait- let me guess- marine biology?"

"What? No..." I say with a hint of sarcasm in my tone. 

Well, maybe more than a hint. "What about you? What's up with all those guys around you? And a tour?"

"I wrote a book, called secrets of the deep. I get to dive for a living and find artefacts in the depths of the ocean, hence the name of the book, and it's become pretty successful."

"That sounds so cool, why didn't I think of that?"

Rikki laughs, "10 years older, and I see you haven't really changed at all. How's Annabeth? Did she survive the coma?" She had to ask.

I shake my head.

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have asked."

We're silent for a few seconds, until we're interrupted by suck up guy. "We must be off Ms Chadwick, you've had time to catch up- we do have a flight to catch, and you wouldn't want to miss it."

"It's fine, I was just going anyway. Come back with everyone else soon, it'd be nice for all of us to be reunited." I say.

"Sounds great, I will." With that, she hugs me, waves, then walks into the airport with suck up guy and his friends. Time to get a cab and go back to Mako- this is going to be fun, and weird, but mostly fun.

On Mako...

The cab I took pulls up right outside of the address my dad gave me. We have a pretty good relationship now- I get to see him quite often, because he kind of ignores the ancient laws now, and that case is the same with most Gods. Anyway, he built a house for me to stay in, and didn't tell me what it would look like, so all I'm hoping is that it's not a huge flashy mansion, I don't want to draw too much attention to myself, apart from my brilliant teaching of course. 

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