Chapter 25: Everything Must Come To An End

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This is it everyone, the final chapter of What is it With Mako and Mermaids. I hope you enjoy it, and I still have an epilogue to write, so this isn't the very end yet. I do have a few more surprises in store for you all yet in this chapter as well, and I hope you don't see them coming (because the whole point was for people to never suspect them). Right, enough of me, time to get on with the chapter...

Chapter 25: Everything Must Come To An End

The day after the virus' destruction...

Percy's POV:

I can't believe I did it- I stopped the virus and survived it. Of course there's no way I could have done it without without Nico, Will, Grover, and the Mako Mermaids. I still feel like it isn't over yet though, I mean there's a whole other chapter left of this story, so how could it be finished? As soon as Pearl revealed herself as the person who started the virus and Mimi and Zac's older sister, she swam off and didn't even try to stop me from destroying the virus. It was almost like she wanted me to sacrifice myself to stop the virus, which doesn't make sense, because she wanted to use the power collected to give herself power. Why do villains do that though- explain their whole plan and reveal themselves before they've even been defeated? Is it for dramatic effect? Who knows?

I know Pearl won't have left town left, but I can't just wait for that to happen. I destroyed her virus and exposed her for who she really was, but it just feels like this isn't all over yet, like I'm somehow missing a piece of the puzzle. I mean, how did she know I was a demigod from the moment we met on the plane? I may be wrong and completely overthinking this, but it all just feels too east. The battle isn't over yet, I know it.

For that reason, I'm trying to locate Pearl to see id she speaks to anyone she might be associated with. The fact that she knew I was a demigod son of Poseidon without being a demigod herself makes me think she's in league with someone who wants me dead from the mythological world. Then again, that doesn't really narrow down the possibilities there of who it could be. I'll call Solangelo and Grover later today if I haven't figured it out on my own- they might know something from camp.

My first stop is to check the place where I destroyed the virus to see of Pearl has been there, maybe to see if there's any last spots of the power taken in by the virus, though I doubt that because it would be a really stupid decision to make. Although, I guess because it's so stupid, then they would think people wouldn't expect them to go there, so it's actually kind of smart in that sense. Either way, I'm going to go and look for clues there, I never know what I might find.

Imagine if I saw her there talking to the person she's working with. That would be great, but that's way too lucky for me, I would usually have to work much harder to find something out. "Did he do as we thought he would? Did Percy sacrifice his tail?" Or I guess it is that easy, the Gods must be in a good mood today then. The voice sounds familiar, but it can't be the person I'm thinking of, there's no way they would do something like this, so it must just be a coincidence, people can have similar voices to one another. I swim to hide behind some plants and rocks so I can see who the person speaking to Pearl is.

"Yes he did, but I fear the virus has given him even more power, rather than taken it away from him- you must have gotten something wrong when you created the virus." Well it must be someone I know, and someone that wants me to lose power, so maybe one of the Gods? Or maybe a more intelligent monster (though I doubt it's that one)?

"That's impossible! I'm the Lord of the Wild for gods' sake! It couldn't have gone wrong, it worked in all of the tests. I created this virus specifically so you could harness the power from the stone by placing it in some jewellrey, and so that my best friend was himself again. It can't have gone wrong!" No. It can't be him. He'd never do that to me, he's my best friend, he's one of the only people who liked that I was a merman. He was one of the only people who wasn't scared of my power, who didn't want to take away such a big part of me. He wouldn't do that to me, I won't believe it.

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