Chapter 17: What does this all mean?

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Chapter 17: What does this all mean?

Percy's POV:

"You ready to go for lunch?" I hear Isabella ask from my door.

"I will be in a second, and my day's going great, thanks for asking." I say back with a slight laugh. I tidy my desk area, put my plans for the fish tank away (which I still haven't gotten round to adding, not that I procrastinate or anything), then Isabella and I exit my classroom. "So, anything interesting happen so far today?" I ask her while we walk.

"Not really I guess, it's been pretty normal. What about you?"

"I guess the same, I lost my pencil, but I'll find it later, I probably dropped it." I dropped riptide and the Trident earlier, but I have to be farther away from it for the pencil to appear back in my pocket, so I'll just wait until I go home later, the café is too close. I'm not that worried- if people find it, then they'll just think it's a normal pencil, the mist will cover up the whole trident thing. I hope so anyway. "I do need to find it as soon as I can though."

"What's so special about a pencil?"

"My dad gave it to me, and I virtually never see him, so it's important to me. The same goes for my pen that I always have." I say, making up a minor lie that still has elements of the truth.

"I understand, I don't know what I'd do without my parents." We walk in silence for a minute or two, until Isabella says, "I've realised I don't know much about you, considering we've spent quite a lot of time with each other since you arrived."

"Well, what do you want to know? You know I was on Mako 10 years ago, I love marine biology, and that I'm from, and taught in America. Oh, and the fact that I rarely see my dad."

"I guess let's start on your family, since I already know one thing."

"Well, my dad got lost at sea when I was born, and everyone thought he was dead, until I managed to find him when I was 12. My mom was married to a guy named Gabe, but he was a really bad person to say the least. He went missing when I was 12, and my mom eventually found a really nice guy called Paul Blofis. He's a teacher too. My mom is the most amazing person in the world, and I'd do anything for her." I refrain from telling her too much about my dad's side of the family, like Thalia, Nico, and all the gods. Now that would be a complicated story to tell without revealing the Gods.

"It's great that you appreciate your mom, I honestly couldn't imagine growing up not knowing one of my parents, they've always been my whole life, and I couldn't have been without them when I was younger."

Right, time to start bringing up Chad, phase one of my plan begins now, "You know, Chad never knew his dad either. I talked to him the other day, and we've been through a lot of the same stuff. He's not that bad a guy, you know."

"Since when did you talk to him? And can we just keep this conversation Chad free? I'd rather not talk about him." I thought she'd say that, but all I did there was plant a seed, and that seed is just going to grow. Ok, I seriously feel like Aphrodite is possessing me at the moment. I need to talk to her about that.

"Of course, I don't even know why I brought him up. This is a Chad free zone. Now, you were getting to know more about me?" I say to change the subject.

"Right, back to that, I guess what got you into teaching? And marine biology?"

"Well, you could say I was a troubled kid, always being kicked out of schools, and no teacher ever understood me, apart from my 6th grade Latin teacher, which caused me not to try. I feel like if teachers showed more of an understanding towards me, then I would have actually tried to be a better student. So, if I can be that teacher that understands his students, then I feel like I can make a difference in their lives. I understand the struggles of ADHD, dyslexia, and not knowing one of your parents, and if I can get past that, then I can help others to as well. For the marine biology thing, I've always been good at it, and I've always had a passion for it. My dad loved the ocean, so I get that from him."

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