Chapter 2: Well, I'm Glad That's Over

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Chapter 2: Well, I'm Glad That's Over

Mimi's POV

I can't believe our whole water dragon drama is now over, and to be honest, I'm glad of it. I honestly couldn't imagine it never happening though, because Zac and I finally have our mom back! At first, it was so hard to come to terms with her actually being alive, but after a day, everything just became incredible and unreal, and I know Zac feels the same way.

The one bad thing about this is that Zac has told his parents that he's found his real mom, but he couldn't bring up the courage to tell them the fact that I'm his sister, that merfolk exist, and that he's a merman, and the son of one of the most powerful mermaids of all time. I hope he can eventually tell them, but for the moment he's just giving them time to come to terms with him finding his real mother. 

At the moment, Zac and I are in Rita's grotto with mom, just talking and telling her about how we came to find each other, and it's a very long story to explain.

"It's incredible how you two managed to find each other, no matter how different your upbringings were. It was always my plan for you too to find each other, and now we're all reunited, I can't help but feel elated for all of us. And Zac,"

"Yes?" He says.

"If you need support when you tell your parents about us, I'll be there to help you through it, no matter what."

"So will I." I say.

"Thank you so much, I'm so happy we're all back together now." Zac says, and we all hug.

"I hate to interrupt this moment, but Rita needs to see you Zac." Ondina walks in and says. She decided to not go with Weilan to help restart the Eastern pod, and I think that was a good decision of hers to make.

"Thanks Ondina, and thank you both again for your love and support. I have to go and see Rita now then, I'll se you both soon." Zac says, then walks out of the grotto.

"Nerissa, I was wondering if I could steal Mimi from you for a while as well?" Ondina asks.

"That's alright with me, what are you planning on doing?" Mom asks.

"Well, I was just planning to go for a swim around Mako, and go to the moon pool. Apparently Veridia wants to see us."

"Well, we better get going then. Bye mom, I'll see you later- hopefully Ondina hasn't gotten into trouble with the pod."

"Hey! That's rude!"

"It is true though." 

Zac's POV

I have no clue why Rita wants to see me, but it'll probably be something about if I'm telling my parents about me being a merman.

"Rita? Ondina said you wanted to see me?"

"Yes, I just wanted to say that the high school will be introducing a new class that I would highly recommend for you."

So not what I thought she'd say, that's fine. "What class is it? And who's going to be teaching it?" I ask her.

"It's a marine biology class- I think that you'll be very skilled at it. And we have a completely new teacher joining the school who will be teaching this class- his name is Mr Jackson, and I know he is a very good teacher- he comes with high recommendations from his last school in America."

"He's American? Cool. The class actually sounds great too! Thanks for letting me know about the class, and would you mind mentioning me to Mr Jackson- I don't mind if you don't, but if you could put in a good word so I can definitely have a good first impression." That probably came out weirdly.

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