Epilogue & Details About Book 3

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Percy's POV:

It's all over. I stopped the virus, I stopped Pearl, I stopped Grover, but at a cost. Sure, I lost my tail, but I lost something greater than that, my mortality. I'm no longer mortal, losing the merman made me lose the mortal side of me, turning me into a God. I don't know what type of God I am, nor do I know my domains, but one thing's for sure, I'll never be able to be with Annabeth again. I can't believe that Grover would do that, Leo never stopped blaming himself for her phone's virus, and if only I'd have gotten there sooner, I could have helped her, but Grover had planned that all along. I can't help but wonder why he suddenly had a change of heart, it's not like him to do that, but I guess I'll never know. I just wish I could see Annabeth again properly and say goodbye.

"I guess you forgot that I can still visit you twice more then Seaweed Brain." I hear from behind me and turn to see Annabeth there, "You know I'd never blame you for my death, don't let the things that Grover said get to you. After this I can visit you once more, so there's no need to say goodbye just yet."

I'm lost for words and I just hug her while she's still here, "I miss you so much." I say to her, "I can't live eternity like this, I wish there was a way to bring you back."

"I do too Perce, but you know that even the most powerful of Gods couldn't do that. It hurts me so much to say this, but it's time for you to move on. There's no way for us to be together anymore, no matter how much we hoped there would be. You deserve to find love again, you've been hurt so much in your life that you need a form of happiness. I'd always hoped it would be me, but now we know it isn't. I'll be in Elysium, and I'll be happy for you no matter what, just promise me you'll find a way to be happy too."

"I don't know if I can-"

"Percy, promise me you'll find happiness, promise me you'll find love, it doesn't matter what form, just promise me."

"I promise I'll try to be happy, I swear on the River Styx that I'll try to find happiness."

"Goodbye Percy, I love you."

"I love you too." I say as Annabeth fades away. I will try to find happiness, I owe her that much, but I don't know how long it'll take me to do so. "I'll never forget what we had, I'll never forget you Annabeth. Goodbye-"

Book 3 Details/AN:

Hi everyone! It's been a few weeks since I finished this book and I've been amazed with all of the positive feedback and comments I've been getting- I appreciate every single one of my readers, comments, and votes. I never thought that I'd get as many reads as I did on this story, I was so shocked when I reached 1000 reads and now the first book has over 150,000 reads! I've recently reached 200 followers, which has also been an amazing milestone for me to get to. Between the two books, I'll publish some one shots about some of the parts of this book that weren't really carried further, for example: the project presentations, what happened to Pearl, the end to the Percy/Isabella/Chad plot, and maybe even a few teasers for Book 3.

Now, onto the main part of this AN: The Announcement for book 3!

The first thing I'm going to say about the third book is that the plot won't be as good as the previous books for certain and it will have more of a relaxed feel to it. It will be like the A Very Potter Senior Year is to the Very Potter Musical Trilogy (I'm not saying it's bad or anything at all- I adore that show, just less polished (I hope people understand what I mean by that)). The plot will be about Percy discovering his domains as a god and won't really have an antagonist. I've been trying to plan the book and I haven't had a great amount of ideas but I've at least got something to go on.

I will start writing the third book after I've reached certain read goals on both previous books. I want to give myself a good amount of time to plan it thoroughly so they are a little way off from now, but I'll hopefully start writing in autumn this year. I will start the sequel when:

A) I'm a Mermaid reaches 200k reads


B) When What is it With Mako ans Mermaids reaches 75k reads.

I hope those are reasonable goals because I do want to have a small break from writing fanfiction to maybe write a story completely of my own. I'm going to be honest with you all: I really wasn't planning to write a third book and make this a trilogy but I want to give you all what you want so here we are. I'm still going to try to give it a good plot, there will be a mystery involved, hopefully some plot twists in there, maybe even a little romance. I hope you'll all enjoy it, and it will be happier than the most recent book.

That's all from me, sorry this turned out to be quite lengthy.

Please do keep up with the series, and I look forward to seeing you all when I next publish.

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