Chapter 4: We Have A Weird Teacher

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Chapter 4: We Have A Weird Teacher

Percy's POV

Well, today's the day I start teaching my new class in Australia. It feels so weird- but I know I'm ready for this. I've had a pretty quiet 10 years since I was last here, and I'm hoping that I get some excitement, but hopefully not too much. I've already found out about one mermaid here- what if there are more of them? I know Rita said that she was the only one left, but more might come, or there could be more that she doesn't know about.

Anyway, back to my lesson today, I asked Rita if I had to do an actual lesson for the first lesson and she said I could, but I didn't have to, she also said that most teachers do something a little more fun to ease students into the year- so that's what I'm planning to do. I'll probably do a get to know the students and myself lesson, because I'm new to the school and don't know anything about them, and they don't know anything about me. Yeah, that'd be quite fun.

I get to school pretty early so I have time to prepare the room for the students to arrive. Luckily, I only have one class a day for 3 days a week, and it's the same class. It's a double lesson, so I have to teach for 2 hours, but at least I have it easier than some teachers. I'll find a few Kahoots for them to play as well. Yeah, that should be an alright lesson. I'll plan the next few weeks lessons this afternoon- I'll be more prepared for them then I am for this one.

I still don't know how or why I became a teacher. Well, I guess there's no turning back now.

My classroom door opens and a woman about my age walks in. "Hi, sorry to bother you- I just wanted to introduce myself since you're the new teacher and all. My name is Isabella Rosings, and I teach regular Biology in the classroom next door to you." That's nice of her, and I recognise that name from somewhere- I don't know where though.

"Hi, I'm Percy Jackson. It's nice to meet you." We shake hands.

"I know this is really random, and it's probably wrong, but were you one of the candidates for an internship with a marine biologist on Mako about 10 years ago?" That's where I recognise her name from!

"That's where I know your name from! You were up for the interview right after me, right?"

"Yeah, it got cut short though. I didn't get the job, but I'm here now. What about you?"

"I got the job, but she left Mako a few days after, so I never really got to work there anyway, I left about a month after as well, but I'm back because I got offered this job. Well, it's nice to have met you properly."

"Agreed, and do you want me to introduce you to some of the other faculty in this department later today?"

"That'd be great, thanks." She walks out of my classroom, just as Rita walks in.

"Percy, I'm so sorry, I forgot to tell you that you have a mentor class as well as your normal class. I had to arrange this last minute, you'll just have them for registration and once a while for when we have disrupted days. Is this all alright? It's a senior class, so you may be teaching some of them marine biology too."

"Yeah, that's all alright, at least I had a little warning. Thanks for telling me- I would have been so confused if I just had a bunch of students saying that this was their mentor classroom and I had no clue about it."

"Well, I'll see you soon, and your form should be arriving shortly." She walks out, probably to attend to some principal stuff she has to do. Who knows? I don't think I could ever run a school, I don't know how they do it.

I'm looking forward to having another class as well- I've had a class like this before, and I preferred it to my normal class. Students would sometimes come to me for advice, and it felt really good to be able to help them. It's like what I do at camp, but I get payed for it here, which is a bonus. I love what I do, both at school and camp, and I wouldn't choose to do anything different.

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