Chapter 8: Things are running away and dying

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I suddenly see a blue glow on the ocean floor, that looks like the stone of the Trident (which I really should name). I swim closer to it to see that it's a ring with a blue stone (that looks like plastic) that looks exactly like the one in the trident. This obviously belongs to a mermaid, so either it's Rita's, or it proves my theory that there are more merfolk on Mako. What is it with Mako and Mermaids?

Chapter 8: Things are running away and dying

Percy's POV

I know Rita told me that she was the only mermaid left on Mako, but I think that she was lying. It would be unlikely that she didn't know if there were more, so she most likely lied to protect them, and I can't judge that. She didn't know me, and she still doesn't know that I'm a merman as well, so of course she wouldn't tell me if there were others. I'm going to give the ring to Rita, and then I'm going to tell her about myself. I just hope she doesn't question why my tail is different, and I'm not going to reveal that I can turn at will yet. I don't want anyone on Mako finding out that I'm a demigod- I need a life without all the gods interfering all the time.

I have a plan to see if Evie, Cam and Carly know about the moon pool and merpeople, because the phone call I overheard with Evie (which I kind of feel bad for listening in on) makes me believe that Zac is a merman, or at least knows about them. I can't believe I'm going through this whole mermaid thing again- soon Dr Denman is going to show up. I mean, I probably shouldn't say that, because it'll probably make her come to Mako. I can imagine her suddenly having an urge to move back to Mako now, which probably isn't a good thing, but what are the chances of Dr Denman coming back while I'm here? Probably quite high now I've said that. Great, just great. And I've also said probably quite a lot in these last few sentences, I think I need some variety in my vocabulary.

A student taps my shoulder so that I turn towards the boat and see that they're all in the water and ready to go. I point up to the surface as if to tell them to swim up to the surface. Once we get there, I say, "We're going to be swimming around one particular area of Mako today. Next weeks' lessons are on natural caves in the water, and how they form, so today see of you can find any caves around Mako, if any island has any, it's Mako. If you find a cave while we're diving, just notify me, and we'll go inside if it seems safe. I'll look first, and if I'm killed, then you'll know not to go in. And that's all I need to say, we went over general safety on the boat, so we're ready to go."

I signal to the students to follow me and we all see that this area of Mako is full of life today- it's like the whole island's marine life has flocked to one single area. It's amazing to see! I hope the students are enjoying it, seeing so much in one area is so rare, usually something has to drive them away from another place, but this seems like a natural occurrence. I then take the students in the general direction of the moon pool. Evie, Cam, and Carly don't look too alarmed yet, but when I take them to the moon pool they'll panic (if my theory is correct). As we get closer and closer to the moon pool, I start to see them looking at each other, getting worried. This means that they could know something about merpeople, and I think that they know about the moon pool. The only way to tell for sure will be if one of the other students comes across it, or if I suddenly stumble across it, and if we go in and they react somehow.

Julian gets my attention and points to a cave- the moon pool. Good, someone else found it, that will lessen suspicion towards me. I swim in, 'check that it's safe', and swim back out to tell the students that they can come in. Evie, Cam and Carly all exchange a look of alarm with each other, which means that they all know something for sure. I knew I was right! So they clearly know something, which pretty much confirms that there are more merpeople on Mako. I hope I can meet them, and maybe I could introduce them to Cleo, Emma, Bella and Rikki.

What is it With Mako and Mermaids? (A PJO / Mako Mermaids Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now