Chapter 13: What's with us and saying sorry today?

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Chapter 13: What's with us and saying sorry today?

Percy's POV:

I have to say, I don't feel great after being in the virus area, I feel weaker than I always do, which is given, but I feel like I have less control over my powers now as well. It's nothing a little practice can't fix, but if it did that to me, then who knows what effect it had on the mermaid trapped there- Ondina. I used the mist to make her forget who saved her, but it may not fully work, as she's a mermaid, rather than a mortal. I've gotten good with the mist, so I should be fine, and she won't remember my face for sure.

"Are you sure you're alright Percy? And are you sure she won't remember you?" Dr Denman asks.

"I'm fine, really, and it's not me we should be worried about, it's Ondina. The virus barely affected me. She won't remember me."

"How? She was still conscious, and what was the sword you used to cut the vines? How did it not affect you either? You have so many more powers than other merpeople, so what makes you so different from them all? I know there's something else you're not telling me- you're lying about something else-"

I'm not ready to tell her about my demigod life. I'm lucky enough that I can use the mist when I'm a merman to cover up my scars, otherwise she'd ask about those too. If I told her about demigods, then I'd have to tell her my suspicions that Marie is one too, then I'd have to tell her about the average life of a demigod- that most don't live past 20, that you're constantly being attacked by monsters, and that I'm sort of a beacon for monster attacks. I don't want to put her through all that, when I don't even know for certain that Marie is a demigod. I don't want them to be attacked because of me as well, not when we've just forgiven each other and started to become friends, "You want to know the truth? I don't know! The whole time I've been a merman I've had to wonder, why me? Why is my tail different? Why do I have extra power? I'm not supposed to be special- I don't deserve this! Yet I have this extra power that I don't know what to do with. I hate complaining about it, but it's hard for me, wondering why I'm so different from everyone else!"

"I'm sorry I asked Percy, and being different isn't a bad thing. Being yourself isn't a bad thing, and maybe we can try to find out if you want, after we sort out this whole virus thing." I feel bad not telling her, but it's for the best at the moment.

"That'd be great, and sorry I reacted like that. What's with us and saying sorry today?" We both laugh, "Anyway, I think I'm going to head home and rest," Well, train, "for a while. I'll see you soon then?"

"See you soon Percy, and make sure you do rest. You may not feel the effect of the virus yet, and it might be worse than you think-"

"I will."

Ondina's POV

I feel weak, tired, I ache everywhere. The last I remember, I was being dragged into the virus by vines. I don't know where I am now- my eyes are closed. I'm laying on something comfortable though, so I guess I'm not in the water anymore. How did I escape? Am I still alive?

"Ondina, please, wake up!" A faint voice says, "No, you can't be dead."

"She's breathing, she's alive!"

"Come on, just wake up, open your eyes, you're safe now, you're out of the water, you survived the virus,"

I'm alive! I survived it! But how? I don't remember anything, and no one could have saved me with out getting trapped themselves. I manage to open my eyes, causing Mimmi to say, "Ondina! You woke up! We were so worried! Pearl and I found you in the water near the virus area, what happened? How did you escape?"

"It's good to be alive, I have to say, but I'm sorry, I don't know what happened to me. The last thing I remember is being trapped by the vines not being able to move."

"I know this is hard, and you've just woken up, but can you really try to remember something? If you can remember how you got out, then maybe whatever helped you could help us stop it. I should have been watching, I'm sorry."

"No, it's alright Pearl, you were trying to find information about the virus, I don't blame you, and Ondina won't either."

I try to remember who or what saved me, but it feels like part of my memory has been taken away, like there's a chunk missing. I think it was a merman who saved me? Yes- I remember this really dark blue tail that managed to shimmer in the infected water. How do I not know what he looked like? I must have not been fully conscious. "It was a merman, and he had a really dark blue tail, it looked different to any other tail we'd seen before. Other than that, I don't remember what he looked like- the virus probably made me lose consciousness."

"That sounds like the tail of the merman I saw with the trident! You know- the one Zac and I mentioned the other day?"

"I hadn't thought of that! But why would he save me? We thought he was the one that caused the virus- that may be wrong..." Since he saved me, then maybe he didn't create the virus- why would you save someone when you made something specifically to put them in danger? It doesn't make sense, at least, not to me.

"You could be right, but we still have to slightly suspect him, this may have been someone else, or he may have wanted to save you specifically- you may know him or something." Pearl says.

"Or he didn't create the virus at all, and saw a person in danger so he saved them." I reply.

"Why would someone risk their life to save someone else just like that? He may not have even known you! I'd do it for a good friend, but not for someone I may have met once or twice or a complete stranger! For someone to be that selfless would be impossible-"

"Ondina," Mimi says cutting Pearl off, "Do you know if the person who saved you is alive?"

"He must be if he was able to get me to safety, and he must have so much power to be able to resist the virus. I was almost dead within a minute, so to be able to save another person, and to get both of them out of there would be impossible for any average mermaid."

"We need to find this merman and ask for his help," Mimi says, and Pearl and I agree, "The only problem is that we have no idea where to start."


Hi all! I've been pretty good at updating on time, or even early for once, these past couple of weeks, so I'm quite proud of that! Sorry that this chapter is shorter than a lot of the others, I have a plan for what each chapter is going to be and this one just turned out a little short, so to make up for that, here is a bonus scene that will be deleted 2 days after the chapter is published. Enjoy!

The scene has been deleted

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