Chapter 24: Yet another villain monologue

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"If I don't do this then we know the mermaids won't be able to come back to Mako ever again. The virus could grow stronger and start harming mortals if we don't stop it while it's still weak. We can take that dive now to find where it started, and as soon as we've found it, I'll go to Mako, alone. We can stop the virus, we can save Mako." 

And now...

Chapter 24: Yet Another Villain Monologue (though seriously, why do villains explain their whole plan before they've won? Why do they need a monologue for that?)

Percy's POV:

"So what are we looking for?" Evie asks, "Or are we just supposed to look blindly for something that could be related to the virus?"

"Well, first of all, even though you know about my life and everything, I'm still your teacher, so watch your tone. Secondly, anything that shouldn't be there would be the obvious thing- it has to be something that can store power that's for sure. It could all well be a plant, but that's unlikely." I reply. "Hopefully it's something we can destroy if this plan doesn't work, which is why I don't think it'd be a plant- it has to be something strong, and something that's hard to get rid of."

"I can't believe this is all almost over, we'll have Mako back, if all goes well that is," Ondina says, "I might even be able to get my tail back- I'm still not used to not having powers."

"My dad should be able to return them, he was the one who turned me into a merman after all, but if not we'll be able to figure something out." I lead everyone over to Haze and say, "Haze, could you make it look like we're diving around Mako? Thank you." I don't know why I just said thank you to Haze, but I feel like I should anyway, even if they aren't a person and don't have feelings. Suddenly I look around and see the waters of Mako around me, and it also looks like I have my tail, though I'll most likely still be human. "I'm glad that worked." I say to everyone, "You also should be able to talk since we're not actually underwater."

"Should we split up or should we all stay together? I mean we'll cover more ground if we split up but maybe it'll stop working if we move too far from Mr Jackson." Carly says.

"I think to be safe we should stay together, and you can call me Percy when we're not in school, I don't mind. Let's just head over to the North side of the island, to the centre of where it started, that's clearly where it will be." I say as we all start to swim towards that side of the island. The water starts to get duller as we go on until we reach the area where the virus has infected everything badly. "We're getting close now, so keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary."

"Like that glowing blue stone?" Cam says as he points to a blue circular gemstone placed on the ground that resembles the one in my trident and the mermaids' moon rings.

"Wait- is that the Trident stone?" Mimi asks, clearly in shock at what she's seeing. "So you don't have the original Trident, Percy."

"I mean, we never know, there will be multiple stones like this around most likely, so this may not even be the original Trident stone. I think we've found our root though, which is great. I can swim out and destroy it now."

"Didn't that seem too easy though? Why would Pearl have made it so obvious to find?"

"She probably would have had to drop it off very quickly before it spread to her, I don't think it was intentional at all. She wouldn't have even expected anyone to be able to go into the area without losing consciousness, so no one would have been able to find it anyway." I reply. I mean, she could have also wanted someone to find it, to try and destroy it and fail so she could get the power. I keep the last though to myself, however, because I don't want anyone trying to stop me from destroying the virus. "Haze, could you end the simulation please?" I see that the training room becomes visible again to us.

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