Chapter 9: Why can't I have a peaceful life for once?

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The water has a green tint to it and there's no life to be seen. Plants lay on the ground, drooped, or dead. There's nothing living in sight, well apart from Zac, Pearl and I. It's like that area of the water has dropped dead all of a sudden. An aura of death surrounds us all, the drooped vines on the floor threaten to drag us in with them. We stare at the water in silent shock, wondering what happened, and if it will spread even further.

Mako is in danger again, and it seems much worse than last time.

Chapter 9: Why can't I have a peaceful life for once?

Zac's POV

What is wrong with Mako? The corals have faded to white, standing out against the green water. Everything living is gone from this area of water, everything else is dying, or dead, and the plants seem to threaten to pull you to their same fate. What happened? How?

I see Pearl try to swim into the area, probably to investigate more, but Mimi and I stop her from going any further. If this is affecting all marine life, it could hurt mermaids as well, and we can't risk Pearl going in there powerless. We all want to know more about it, but we can't risk our lives for this before we know more. We swim back to Ondina, with me still processing what we just saw. It seems like the island is dying, and what if it is? Will this be the end to the Mako mermaids? No, it can't be, we'll survive, we'll find a way through this, we'll stop whatever this is, I know we will.

Later that day....

We all agreed to meet up in Rita's grotto with Evie, Cam and Carly after their dive to tell them about what we saw, and to see if they noticed anything weird on Mako while they were there. Evie said they had something to tell us as well, maybe it's about the same thing, it's quite likely they saw that area of Mako as well.

"So, I'm guessing we all have a lot to tell each other after today," Ondina starts, "Who's going first?"

"You guys go first, yours is probably more important." Cam says, sounding like he doesn't want to tell us something. Well that's not suspicious at all...

"Sure, but you're telling us your thing as well, don't try to avoid it." Pearl replies, having noticed the same thing I did. "As we were on Mako to find Mimi's moon ring-"

"Wait- she lost her moon ring? That could have been anywhere on Mako for someone to find, Mr Jackson could have found it on the dive! This has just made the situation even worse than it already is," Evie says.

"What do mean worse than it already is? Did Mr Jackson see anything on Mako on the dive?" I ask, "Is that what you wanted to tell us?"

"Well, we were going to wait for you to say your thing first, but I guess we have to now, thanks a lot Evie." Cam says, "I'll just get straight to the point, Mr Jackson found the moon pool."

"What?!?" we all exclaim in unison. "How?" Ondina asks.

"Well," Carly starts, "We were swimming in it's general direction, which didn't really phase us because it's a normal dive route. Before we started on the dive, Mr Jackson told us to look out for any caves because that's what we're going to be focusing on in class this coming week. We didn't notice as we were diving deeper into the water, until someone spotted a cave, the moon pool entrance. We all went in and saw how amazed Mr Jackson was, he was in awe of the place, so naturally we were all worried."

"I then went to ask him if he was planning on doing anything with the pool, like if he was planning to take any dives out there, and he said no. He said he wouldn't do that because he thought it was something's home, which isn't really wrong, and he didn't want to intrude on that." That sounds strange, that can't be the only reason he's not doing anything with it, there has to be more to the story, but what? "And before you ask how we know we can trust him, we can, he was telling the truth about keeping it a secret, and he told all of us to do the same as we were leaving."

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