Bonus Part 3

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Hi all! So this part is pretty much all an A / N (sorry, I haven't had much inspiration to write at all at the moment otherwise I would have written something for you all), and there are a few things I'd like to address in this part:

Firstly, one of the goals has been met!

I'm a mermaid has now reached 200k reads- which is absolutely crazy! I never thought when I first published it that it would get 1,000, let alone 200,000! Honestly I don't really like the plotline of that story much either, there are so many plot holes, but nevertheless so many of you have read that story and I'm so grateful for all of you. I was thinking about lowering the WIIWMAM goal to 50,000 reads, but I'm going to keep it at 75k because of reasons I'll list in the next section:


I want to make the third (and final) book of this series as high quality as I possibly can, and at the moment I have reached a point where I am not happy with any of the ideas I've had for the book, and I honestly don't know what I'm planning to write for it. I still want to get that book out to all of you because I've had a lot of requests to write it, but at the moment it's looking like I will need a break from this series before I continue writing the last book. I'll be completely honest with you all that I originally never planned to have a third book at all, but I am still up for writing it to complete the series. I want you all to enjoy reading it, and if I'm not going to enjoy writing it, then I doubt the story will be as good as it could be. This is why, depending on what happens over the next couple of months, I may write another fanfiction before you get book 3 (and it will be one of the two I mentioned in the previous part, most likely the Spies one). Thank you for all being so considerate, and I appreciate all of you simply just reading my stories- I still get excited at every notification I get on both books.

Finally, I am giving an opportunity to anyone that wants it to design a cover for any of my upcoming stories:

Someone offered to create the cover for this book, and it is of a much higher quality than anything I could have made, so I'd like to offer people the opportunity to create a cover for these upcoming stories:

1. The God of Mako Island- Book III of the I'm a Mermaid series
2. What are you? (a PJO / TVD crossover)
3. A Spy is a Spy (A PJO / Spies Are Forever crossover) 

I will give you a permanent shoutout in the description of whichever book your cover is chosen for (if I actually get anyone who designs one), and a shoutout in the first part of the book. If anyone is interested in this, comment and message me on Wattpad for more information.

Progress on Goals:

I'm a Mermaid: 200k reached!
WIIWMAM: 49,808 reads / 75,000 reads

What is it With Mako and Mermaids? (A PJO / Mako Mermaids Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now