Chapter 10: That Was Highly Unexpected

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"Well, my name is Marie Denman, and I'm not sure what else to say about myself. Sorry the introduction was short, but there's not really much to say." Denman? That can't be right, it has to be a coincidence, right? She can't be back, and she can't have a daughter.

Dr Denman can't be back on Mako, she can't.

But what if she is?

Chapter 10: That was highly unexpected

Percy's POV

"Well, Ms Denman, welcome to the class," I say, "And by any chance, is your mother a marine biologist who used to work on Mako?" I ask, and although I know I'm not being subtle about it, I need to know if it is Dr Denman that is back, and if she is, I may have an answer to the virus. Or she may have turned over a new leaf, and could help me figure it out. That isn't likely, but neither is me being a merman, so anything could happen.

"Yes, she was. She isn't a marine biologist anymore though, she stopped that job about 10 years ago when I was five or six. Why do you ask, if you don't mind me saying?" She's back for sure, but the fact that she stopped her work as soon as she was turned into a mermaid makes me think she may not be so bad anymore. If she actually cares about marine life and mermaids now, then there goes my theory about the virus. I think it's too obvious as well, someone could have brought her back here to frame her so that the blame is put off of them. I still have no clue who could be behind it.

"Well, I recognised your last name, and put two and two together that you must have been related. You look quite a lot like your mom, or at least when I saw her last. We met on Mako when I was last here. I never knew she had a daughter though, well I guess you learn something new about a person every day." Why did Dr Denman keep her daughter a secret, or at least never mention her? She must have been quite young when she had her, and I don't think her father is still with them, that could have maybe impacted if she told people or not. I may have to arrange a meeting with her, so that we can catch up, and so I can see if she has turned over a new leaf or not. I'm hoping she has, I think she'd make a good ally for figuring out this virus thing.

I get the rest of the students to introduce themselves to Marie, and it's soon the end of the lesson. "Good job today everyone, and that was a nice break from work, but I can assure you we'll be back to normal tomorrow." The class collectively groans, "See you all soon, and Marie, can I talk to you to give you your book and syllabus?" Once everyone else has left, Marie comes up to my desk and I give her her book and syllabus, "Could your mom come in to see me tomorrow sometime as well? Anytime during the school day would work, just get her to stop by."

"I will, and thank you for letting me join the class, Mr Jackson, I'll make sure to work hard to stay in it. My mom has been teaching me the subject since I was young, so it's one of my favourites."

"That's great to hear, and I'll see you for class tomorrow."

Great, class is over, time to be bored for the rest of the morning.

Zac's POV

Dr Denman is on Mako again. Before Rikki Chadwick left for her tour she told the mermaids all about what happened when she was on Mako the first time.Rikki didn't mention that she had a daughter though, or maybe she didn't know about her. Rikki also briefly mentioned that she came back a second time for anothe reason, but didn't say much about that time. Could the second time have been the time Mr Jackson knew her as well? I don't quite know how they would have knew each other, as Mr Jackson looks around Rikki's age, but maybe he was her intern or something. Evie, Cam, Carly and I will have to tell the rest of the group about this, and maybe this could have something to do with the virus.

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