Chapter 11: So you don't want to kill me? That's a first

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Zac's POV

"Guys, do you think we should ask Marie to be in our group for the project? She's new, so she probably doesn't have a group, and there are only four of us." Evie suggests. I think that may be a really good idea, if we can become her friends, then we could probably figure something out about Dr Denman, and why she's back on Mako. I voice my opinion, and we all agree to ask her if she wants to join us. They also said that I should be the one to ask her, though I don't know why no one else wanted to.

"Hey, Marie, is it?" I ask her after I've walked over to her desk, she nods in return, "Well, my friends and I are wondering if you'd want to do the project with us?"

She replies with, "Sure, that'd be great. I was kind of worried about finding a group, so I appreciate the offer."

"No problem," I say, realising I haven't introduced myself yet, "I'm Zac, by the way. My friends' names are Evie, Cam and Carly." I say to her, while pointing to each of the others.

Once we've made our way back to my desk, Marie gets straight to the point by saying,  "So, what were you thinking of doing the project on?" 

"We haven't really spoke about it yet, and I don't know about the rest o from guys, but I don't really mind what we do, so long as it isn't too hard." Cam says.

"What were you thinking of doing, Marie?" Evie asks her.

"Well, I've always been interested in Greek Mythology, so maybe something to do with that." She suggests. I think that'd be a good idea, because there's a lot online, and in books about that, and I know that most people find it interesting

"Yeah, that sounds like a good starting point." I say, and everyone else agrees, "But what within that could we do? It's too broad a topic to do everything in detail, and we need to remember that this is the only time we have in class that we can use our phones."

"There has to be a decent collection of books on it though, how about we use today's lesson to research and find a specific topic? And then we can use the rest of the library lessons to research with the books." Carly suggests.

"That sounds good, so today we'll find a topic, and we'll go from there tomorrow." I say, and then we all get to work.

Percy's POV

As the students start working on their project, I take the time to walk around and see what each group is doing. So far, I've been around most of the groups, and the most interesting ideas have been: The Loch Ness Monster, Mermaids, Atlantis, and there was this one group who were looking up the Celestial Comb from a Barbie movie. I honestly don't understand some people these days, but I'm looking forward to the presentation. To surprise them, I'll do the project as well, and I'm obviously going to choose Poseidon. I'm giving extra credit to the most interesting, in-depth, and accurate project, but I'm not going to tell the students that- I want to see who will work hard without the promise of a reward. 

I walk up to the final group- Zac, Cam, Evie, Carly, and Marie to ask them about their project. I have high hopes for this group- I hope it's going to be interesting.  "So, how's everything going and what are you doing your project on?" I ask them.

"We know that we want to do something related to Greek mythology, as all of us find it interesting, but we don't know what yet. That's what we're using today's lesson to do, but we'll let you know when we have one particular idea." Zac says.

"That sounds like a good use of the lesson to me, and Greek Mythology was basically the only subject I could do at school, so I know a lot about it, " I say, "Feel free to come to me if you need any help. And another thing- don't choose Poseidon, it's already been taken by yours truly." I say, pointing to myself as I walk off. 

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