Chapter 1: A Son Of Apollo Starts Sobbing

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Chapter 1: A Son Of Apollo Starts Sobbing

Percy's POV

Camp Half Blood, my second home. Camp Half Blood, my life for these past 16 years (well apart from my whole New Rome thing). Camp Half Blood, the only place where I'm safe from people trying to kill me, well most of the time anyway.

I can't believe I'm leaving it again, voluntarily this time. I just need a new adventure in my life. I've been to college in New Rome, trained to teach, taught at a high school for a couple of years, while coaching swordsmanship at camp in my free time. It's fine, and it's normal, but I need some excitement now. I probably shouldn't want that- I probably should be happy with my kind-of normal life that demigods seldom get, but I just need something exciting to happen.

Which is why I'm going back to Mako, this time on my own, and I'll be teaching at the local high school. It may be a normal life again, but at least it's a change of scenery, and I'll be more comfortable to swim as a merman. People at camp know, like Chiron, the Seven, and some other demigods, but I don't always like to swim as a merman in front of them. I've grown much more powerful now, as a demigod and a merman, and now I can control when I turn, so I can get wet without turning, but it always feels like people are scared of me now, even my own friends. We never talk as much, and it always seems a little awkward, especially after Annabeth's death. The only people who don't change around me now are Will, Nico and Grover.

I'm currently on my way to say goodbye (for now) to Chiron. He's been great to me all these years, and I'm going to miss his guidance and advice.

"Percy! Are you coming to teach us later? Can you and Nico fight again? It's so cool when you do! Please!" I'm stopped by some of the younger campers coming up to me. They're all great, I love being able to teach them. Sometimes it's kind of awkward at the school I teach, because some campers are in my classes, and they usually accidentally call me by my first name, and I lost my train of thought there, great.

"Sorry, I'm going to be going away for a while guys. I got a job in Australia to teach, but make sure to IM me if your new coaches do something wrong, or if you see any adorable Solangelo moments that I can't miss." I reply. They laugh at the last part.

After laughing, one of them says, "Wait, you're leaving us? Is there a camp in Australia you'll coach at?"

"No," I say, "It's too far away from the gods to then have any demigods there, well apart from me of course."

"That's so sad, it would have been fun to have a load of Australian demigods in one place."

"I agree." I say when Chiron comes up to us.

"Shouldn't you all be preparing for capture the flag?" He asks. They rush off to their cabins to either train or strategize. I can guess which cabins are doing what. "Good luck for your journey Mr Jackson, you will be missed greatly at camp."

"Thanks Chiron, I mean it, but it's not like I'm leaving forever. I'll be back all the time to visit."

"Oh I know, but whenever you go, no matter how long, every single person at camp misses you, even though they can be intimidated by your power from time to time."

"It means a lot to hear that, especially coming from you."

"I mean it Perseus. I mustn't keep you from the rest of your goodbyes then. I hope to see you in the near future." With that, he leaves and goes back to his business, probably getting ready for capture the flag today.

Time to move on to my next goodbyes, which are for my close friends. Frank and Hazel are in New Rome preparing for their wedding (even though it's 2 years away yet), so I'll IM them after I've said my goodbyes at camp. I walk to the infirmary first to see Will and Nico- my tied OTP (with Frazel), then I'm going to go and see Leo and Piper. They're holding up well now, it's been a year since Jason died in a mass shooting in San Francisco when he was visiting camp Jupiter. I can't believe he died from a mortal attack, not something mythological. It just makes it worse for everyone, but even demigods die in mortal situations from time to time.

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