Chapter 22: We're All In This Together

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Hi everyone! So, we have another bonus scene this chapter that will be deleted 3 days after publishing, but this time it's at the beginning of the chapter rather than the end of it. Enjoy reading! :)))))

The scene has been deleted

Chapter 22: We're All In This Together

The Next Monday.......

(In Marine Bio class)

Zac's POV

Today is the day that Rikki is coming back to Mako again, but this time to talk to our marine biology class (and my group) about our projects. I hope today is the day we finally get some answers about Mr Jackson, but if not, then we're all prepared to finally ask him for help (the mermaids and I). "Good morning everyone! Today as you know, you're working on your projects, but I've invited a guest to come and speak to you today. You may recognise her name as she is the author of her best-selling book: Secrets of the Deep. So, here she is, the one and only, Rikki Chadwick."

"Thanks for the very over the top introduction, I think you're spending too much time with your uncle. Well, as Mr Jackson said, my name is Rikki Chadwick, and I'm an old friend of his. Now, I've heard that you're all doing a project on ocean mythology, and one group is even using my book to research. My main advice for you all is to not just look at the surface of information the first websites you look at tell you, but dig down deep for more information. I didn't call my book Secrets of the Deep for nothing. You'll find out so much more if you can find a source that tells a story of whatever you're looking up, and I can access my collection if anyone finds something there that would help. I'm only here for a week, so make the most of it and ask me anything. I'll come in again on Friday when the presentations are going on to watch them. Talk to Mr Jackson if you need to get in touch with me."

"I also have a special announcement for you all," Mr Jackson starts, "I will be assessing your presentations on Friday and the people who have the best presentation overall will get some extra credit towards your final grade, and they will each get a signed copy of Ms Chadwick's book." I'm suddenly looking forward to our presentations a lot more now, and especially because our group has the best information for sure. "Now, I'll leave you all to work, and can Zac Blakely's group please come up to the front?" Cam, Carly, Evie and I look at each other, wondering what this could be about, and walk up to the front of the classroom. Only when we get to Mr Jackson's desk, we notice that a member of our group is missing. "So I'm sure you've noticed that Marie Denman isn't here. She's left the school and moved, so you'll now be working as a group of 4."

"Didn't she only just get here around a week ago?" Carly asks, "Why has she left so soon?"

"She had to move away from here. She managed to reconnect with her father, who she never knew anything about until Friday, and has moved to live closer to him. The other reason I called you here was to introduce you properly to Rikki. Since you're using her book for research, I thought you would want the opportunity to ask her some questions."

"It's great to meet all of you, I'll come over to where you're working to help." We all walk back to our desk, "I didn't expect to see you all in this class. Isn't it a little risky being a merman in a marine biology class? And choosing mermaids for your project topic? You must be really confident that Mr Jackson won't find out who you are."

"He already knows, he found out the other day when Mimi and I tried to interrogate him to find out his secret. He said that he'd suspected it for a while though."

"Well he's highly perceptive of other people, and hyper-aware of his surroundings, so I'd be surprised if he hadn't found out yet."

"He said you were an old friend, does he know about you?" Evie asks.

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