Chapter 7: That Looks Like Plastic

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Chapter 7: That Looks Like Plastic

Percy's POV

Is Chad a Demigod? If so, what is he doing on Mako? He lifts his fist to punch me in the jaw, but I catch it before he can. From that I know that he's a skilled fighter- he went directly for the jaw which is always a good first move in a fight. He's obviously been trained. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," I think I'm going to have a little fun here, I'll pretend to want to kill him or something. I'm just going to guess his Godly parent, I mean, it's obviously Mars, so, "Son of Mars." I grab his arm and pull up his sleeve to reveal his full tattoo, which shows the two spears, the symbol for Mars. I knew it. I love being right.

He looks shocked that I know he's a demigod, but he looks ready to fight me. He pulls out an imperial gold dagger and puts it to my throat, "Who are you and how did you find me here? I left for a reason and I'm not going back there." I wonder what happened to him, and why he left camp Jupiter. Maybe it has something to do with the Giant War.

"You think you can beat me?" I laugh, " I beat your father in a fight when I was 12, so I'd remove your dagger from my throat if I were you."

"You're lying, no one can beat my father, he's the God of war. There's only ever been one person to beat him in a fight, and that was one of the Seven, and a child of the big three." Gods, he's stupid to not realise the person is me.

"Well, you asked for it." I pull out Riptide and disarm him with ease, "Are you going to Apollogise?" I laugh at the pun I make and then look him in the eye. He still doesn't get who I am. Well, he's not the sharpest tool in the box.

"Who are you and how did you find me?" He asks, but less forceful than the first time, more scared.

"You probably could have guessed that by now, but I guess you need a demonstration of my powers then." I summon some water (I don't know where from, but I'm guessing the people near by will suddenly have empty water bottles) and pin him to the wall with it, "Have you guessed it yet, or do you need my full title?" He looks terrified. This is pretty funny to me, but probably not to him.

"Perseus Jackson?" He manages to ask, still terrified of me.

"The one and only." I move the water above his head and let it go to soak him. "Nice to meet you." I hold out my hand for him to shake it. He weakly shakes my hand, "You're a skilled fighter by the way, from what I saw, but save that for monsters."

"Are you here to take me back to camp Jupiter?"

"What? No! I'm here to educate students in the art of marine biology- I got a job teaching here, no offense but I didn't know you existed until we met yesterday. I would like to hear how you ended up on Mako though, it's rare for demigods to be on the other side of the world."

"I left camp Jupiter after the war, I ran away, faked my own death. Everything got too much for me, I saw all of my friends die right in front of me, I couldn't save them, I was injured, useless, and I had no one left. I couldn't bare to stay in a place where I was bound to be killed, and then people would come after my family. I can't have the people I love killed and taken away from me. I managed to convince my dad's boss to post him out to Mako, I'd heard that no one would be able to find me here, and my family moved here. We've been here ever since and I've been living in peace, except a couple of months after I moved here, there were a couple of monster attacks, but they all left me half way into the fight, like they found someone better and more powerful to fight."

"Yeah, that may have been my fault, I was here at that time, used a phone with a virus, no big deal, I got rid of them all."

"How come you ended up here? Twice?"

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