Chapter 28 (Part 2)

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'What the 'eff is this?'

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'What the 'eff is this?'

Tae read the text on his phone at least three times, but the brief summary of the transaction was not registering.

'Two-point-five million won to Titan? The fuck is going on?'

His wire glasses bobbed on the end of his nose as he dragged his MacBook across the table and opened a fresh tab in Chrome.

Like he wasn't stressed enough, Tae had spent the past hour paying a mortgage to an unoccupied flat, rent to a landlord who owned the dump he presently lived in, and finding out how to apply for a passport because his current one had gone walkabout.

Now, he had a dubious payment to add to his list of boundless shit.

'This is all I frickin' need,' the fatigued man mumbled as he navigated to his online banking account.

Entering his logins, Tae thought back to the weird string of events that had played out over the past ten hours. He'd dropped by Daechi this morning to pick up his mail and noticed right away that someone had been inside his home since his last visit.

At first, he'd put it down to Yunhee. She was the only one with access, and a few of her personal items were gone, but then he'd discovered that half his trousers and shirts were missing, too.

Disconcerted, he'd stood staring at the bare coat hangers, wondering if she'd taken them for comfort, but those actions contradicted her skittish behaviour and the fact that she wouldn't talk to him.

Trying not to dwell on the unknown, Tae had crouched down to yank out the filing cabinet hidden in the base of the wardrobe, but his heart had leapt into his trachea when he'd discovered not only his crucial legal documents had vanished, but his most important form of identification.

Yunhee wouldn't steal those, would she? Jesus, if she was working for the mob, pilfering his official credentials was a dandy way to try and bring him down.

She's scared, Tae. Why else would she bang on the door of Jimin's club? Why else would she be staying at the mansion?

Suga's words rang in Tae's head as he entered his banking passcode and waited for the page to load. His wise friend insisted that Yunhee was not out to get him, but how on earth was he supposed to believe that when life kept throwing suspicious obstacles his way?

'Shit,' Tae faltered as he leaned over his MacBook.

The payment to Titan was there in black and white at the top of his recent bank report. And his paperwork and identification were gone from his apartment?

'What a coincidence,' he growled fiercely.

Scraping back his chair, Tae snatched up his phone and padded into the living room.

'Everything okay?' Suga asked from the sofa while reading an article.

'No,' Tae spat, shoving his glasses to the top of his head, 'some asshat is using my identity to commit fraud. I'm gonna have to call the bank in the morning and report it.'

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