Chapter 45

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What an ungodly hour in an equally ungodly flat.

If not for his two friends banging around while stockpiling their gadgets and gizmos, Tae would have been panned out in bed catching up on kip after barely sleeping a wink. Either that, or staring at the ceiling trying to process the torrent of information hurtled his way last night.

His instincts were right; Yunhee and Jimin were a couple.

Seeing them hand in hand was hard and Tae wanted to tear Jimin a new arsehole, but when they'd flung that stone at his feet, everything had changed.

Everything except his feelings.

The sun had yet to break over the horizon and Jungkook and Suga were eager to get on the road, but Tae remained stationary on the couch as they clambered around him, unable to decide what to do because his judgement was wedged halfway between his benevolent morality and his wilful pride.

Help Jimin and his crew find Hobi. Or tell him and his new "girlfriend" to shove their proposal up their peachy little arses.

It should have been a no-brainer; the ray of sunshine that he knew and loved had been kidnapped and needed him more than ever, but Tae couldn't bear the thought of Jimin and Yunhee playing happy families in one of Seoul's most affluent neighbourhoods while he slaved on the sideline.

It was was too soon.

And so, he lazed on his crummy sofa in his rundown apartment with sleep-filled eyes and a sore head with neither the energy nor the will to help his mates pack.

He was being selfish. He was selfish. Just like that mercenary doppelgänger who sought to wipe Jimin off the face of the earth.

Had that not been his own goal once upon a time?

No. Not once in all the years he'd thirst for revenge had Tae considered eliminating Jimin. He'd seen enough bloodshed to last him a lifetime, and had tried relentlessly to break away from the bonds of his mafia-plagued existence.

Still, here he found himself again, floating in a cesspit of corruption and immorality, unable to claw his way out and breathe freely. Everything was perversely twisted, his brain failing to procure any clarity, and yet the suspicious incidents of the past two weeks were suddenly as clear as a bell.

The photographs of the lookalike outside his apartment, the same guy he and Jungkook had spotted while jogging along the Han River. The absent clothes and missing passport. The bank card that kept declining, and the fifteen billion deposited in his account.

Taehyung had used his identity to burrow his way into his personal life in the space of a fortnight. If he could do all that in such a short span of time, what would he be capable of in six months?

From what Tae could gather, Taehyung was a law unto himself, and ironically because his ex-girlfriend had determined his future at the café. Because of Hahm Yunhee - the cute-as-a-button sprite he'd hit on a year ago - the Kim legacy had prevailed, and he'd seized the title of Mafia King in Jimin's stead.

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