Chapter 1

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Park Jimin had learned three things in recent days

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Park Jimin had learned three things in recent days.

One, his basement had been converted into a jail cell with no windows or bars.

Two, he'd been imprisoned inside it for several nights with no means of escape.

And three, he missed Hahm Yunhee more than an archer missed its mark.

His shirt was torn and bloodied, his shoulder ached from a bullet wound, and his limbs screamed in such a way it was a wonder he could stand. And yet, despite the cramps and the endless sneer on his cut lips, his mind was filled with constant anxiety as he wondered what had happened to her.

Was Yunhee alright? Was she safe?

The events at the warehouse replayed in Jimin's head like a grotesque nightmare that left you gasping for air and covered in sweat.

Fear and trepidation were his new companions, along with the mottled specks of dirt etched into the four concrete walls around him. Insanity crawled along his veins, threatening to devour his brain and drive him round the bend.

But he fought it. Every waking hour, every waking minute. Every waking second.

He would not let it win. He was going to get out of here. And then he was going to kill that vicious son-of-a-bitch for putting his hands on her.

Not for the first time since he'd groggily awoken in the cold and damp room, Jimin found himself by the bolted door, his fist pounding the wood as he screamed for one person's presence.

Kim Taehyung was alive.

He could hear the man's deep chuckle and leather shoes clipping over polished tiles in his head. The longer they left him isolated, the longer his anger manifested into an ugly need for his blood.

Come on, Jimin thought as he smashed the door with his foot, show me your smug face so I can tear it off and eat it for dinner.

You're going to hurt yourself, idiot. Save your strength.

The banging stopped and Jimin rested his forehead against the door, his curled fist flopping to his side as Yunhee's soothing words resonated in his head. She wasn't here, but her voice clouded his thoughts, stopping him from toppling over the edge into a pit of madness.

Jimin retreated from the dented doorway, breathing evenly as his back hit the wall and he slid to his backside. Resting his skull against the icy concrete, he looked around the gloomy prison and questioned how it had come to this.

Over two weeks ago, he'd been running his empire as the Mafia King of Seoul. Who'd have thought that kidnapping his enemy's girlfriend in exchange for money would knock his entire life off course?

A vortex. A goddamn vortex, for Christ sake.

They weren't supposed to exist. And yet, here they'd remained after falling through one.

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