Chapter 34

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'I saw Jimin again,' Yunhee murmured wearily

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'I saw Jimin again,' Yunhee murmured wearily. 'He tried to warn me about Hoseok. Told me to get out.'

'You shared another vision?'

'We did, but then Jimin was gone and Hoseok was there, wheedling me into the kitchen. I tried to get to my phone to call you, but he followed me upstairs. That's when he attacked. That's when he said...he said that Hobi is dead.'

'Hey,' Jin soothed, easing Yunhee out of his arms to cup her cheeks. 'I don't believe that for one minute. I'm sure he's alive.'

'I hope so,' she hiccuped, the heartless words of Jung Hoseok forever haunting her as Jin wiped her tears and tugged her shaking form back into his embrace. 'I don't know what I'd do if...if he were...'

'Hobi's going to be alright, Yunhee,' Jin assured, petting her hair as she muffled her sobs against his blood-stained shirt. 'We'll find him, okay?'

Yunhee nodded, propping her chin on her protector's collarbone, and hooking her arms around his shoulders to accept his encouraging support.

She felt infinitely better after walking into the mansion with Jin, but the thrill of racing away from the island had eventually caught up with her, and she'd broken down at the bottom of the staircase in a heap of flesh and bones.

Jin had carried her to his quarters, quietly comforting her on his plush sofa beneath the window until she was exhausted and there were no tears left to cry. But even now, as the waning moon shed light upon the early hours, her apprehension for Hobi would not leave.

'You're going to mess up my shirt,' Jin scolded lightly.

Yunhee giggled, drawing away to wipe her nose with a grateful smile. She was aching from head-to-toe, sore and shaken up, and Jin sported a filthy shirt and an angry welt on his forehead after butting Hoseok square in the nose.

'It's already covered in blood,' she pointed out. 'I hope it wasn't expensive.'

'It's Vuitton,' Jin's eyes twinkled with humour as he regarded her from above. 'Please tell me you feel better after snotting on it.'

'A little,' Yunhee sighed as Jin detangled himself and glided off the couch. 'I'll buy you another when I'm rich.'

'Pft, you mean Jimin will,' he scoffed, strolling to an oak sideboard skirting the wall. 'I have something you might like, by the way. It'll help take your mind off this diabolical evening.'

'Is that why you brought me to your room?' Yunhee teased as he wrenched open one of three drawers. 'I'm not sleeping with you, Kim Seokjin.'

Laughing, Jin plunged his hand into the wooden compartment, retrieved a bottle of honey-coloured Scotch, and brandished it in front of his face. 'I was saving this for a special occasion, but I think we need it now.'

'Thirty-five years old?' Yunhee gawked as the strapping man ambled back over with two crystal glasses. 'You sure you wanna open that?'

'It's been a long day and I've seen some weird shit,' Jin shrugged while pouring them a stiff drink.

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