Chapter 39

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'You're fucking the hostage?'

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'You're fucking the hostage?'

Had Hahm Yunhee not been the hostage in question, Park Jimin would have snorted at Namjoon's boyishly crude remark. Alas, it was Hahm Yunhee, and he was Park Jimin, and it took a special kind of strength to resist pummelling Namjoon back out into the rain.

'Is this woman the reason you went AWOL?' Namjoon interrogated with an edge of bitterness that made Jimin's palms sweat. 'Did the two of you run off for a six-week break to Hawaii? No, wait, that can't be right. She's fucking Kim Taehyung-'

'Could you please stop being so crass?' Yunhee bristled. 'It's disgusting!'

'Well, I'd say fucking the mob boss who kidnapped you is pretty crass and disgusting-'

'This is coming from the guy who tried to cop a feel while I was tied to a chair? Listen to yourself!' Yunhee rumbled as Jimin locked his arm to stop her from marching into a war zone.

He wasn't sure who'd come out worse off, in all fairness.

'Who the hell are you to talk to me that way?' Namjoon spat. 'I oughta teach you a-'

'That's enough!' Jimin barked as he stepped in front of Yunhee. The authoritative tone gave Namjoon pause, and in that moment, he understood that he was skating on thin ice. 'I didn't invite you here tonight to speak to Yunhee like a piece of shit.'

'Yunhee?' Namjoon hooted caustically. 'You're on a first name basis, now?'

'Look, I understand why you're upset,' Jimin tried to negotiate, 'but we have other matters to discuss-'

'Damn right we do.'

Namjoon's response was dark, but Jimin could hardly blame him after finding them canoodling at the bottom of the staircase. The man was missing a month and half's worth of crucial facts. He deserved an explanation, but the zany conversation laid out before them was not going to be easy.

'I presume Jin knows about this?' Namjoon asked snottily while staring at their interwoven hands. 'Where is the daft clout, anyway?'

'In the study, waiting for us.'

The atmosphere was taut as Jimin beckoned him to follow them through the west wing. Luckily, when the trio entered the study, a cavalierly unruffled Jin - leaning on the bureau with a shit eating grin - was ready to provide a stint of comic relief.

'Ah, Joon! Good of you to join us,' he exclaimed while giving his suit a once over. 'Raining out, is it?'

'Yes,' Namjoon grumbled. 'Our boss is fucking the hostage.'

Jin clapped his hands together and rose from the desk. 'I know! Wonderful, isn't it?'


That was the expression on Namjoon's face as Jin winked and motioned for him to take a seat.

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