Chapter 36

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They say that the most beautiful stories ever told are written in the stars

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They say that the most beautiful stories ever told are written in the stars.

And as the languid couple lazed on the sunroom wicker sofa, spine against torso, fingers intertwined and lips humming sweet nothings across necks, Yunhee willed the morning to stand the test of time so they could remain this way forever.

Golden rays trickled through the windows, bathing them in a cocoon of paradise as she admired the endless gardens and Jimin held onto her for all he was worth. He had yet to relinquish his grip. She didn't want him to, his strong arms and soothing presence finally abolishing the haunting whispers of Taehyung.

There was no desire to speak of the inexplicable lure towards his enemy. At long last, she was at peace, distracted by the beautiful man who was her lover, her soulmate, the companion she could talk to, and the saviour who melted her fears and assured her that everything would be alright.

There was so much to say, many stories to tell. Anxious questions interjected with enthralling replies, childish laughter paired with impish pokes, amusing banter coupled with promising touches that left Yunhee's stomach feeling like a kaleidoscope of butterflies.

Jimin was currently listening to her praise Jin for everything that he'd done. For trusting her word from the beginning and taking her to the library to help with research.

'Jin believes the stone will react to any of Aristotle's four elements.'

'Aw, crap,' Jimin grumbled, his head flopping against the sofa as she tinkered with the fingers resting on her stomach. 'Why didn't we think of that? Joonie and I spent weeks playing with fire.'

'Jin was too afraid,' Yunhee sniggered, remembering his admittance that flames were his worst nightmare. 'It was water only for us.'

'Did it work?' Jimin mumbled, lovingly brushing his nose across her shoulder.

'Yes, but not enough to fully open the vortex. It was just enough for-'

'My note to come through?'

'Yes,' Yunhee gasped, twisting to face Jimin as he eagerly hauled both their bodies upright. 'How did you know?'

Rummaging inside his pocket, Jimin produced a rumpled scrap of paper and placed it in her palm. 'It was the same with the heat. We had to build a bonfire on top of the stone in the end, but before that, there was just enough to get this message to you.'

'Jimin, where did you find this?' Yunhee gleamed as she re-read the cherished words that she carried with her everywhere.

'It was in your red hoodie at the beach house,' Jimin explained as he jerked her back into a reclining embrace. 'It was the first place I ran to after seeing you with Hoseok.'

Yunhee nestled her head beneath his chin, delighted to have the personal missive returned as he played with her hair. Jimin was aware of everything that had transpired for her between falling through the portal and him finding her at the fountain, but she had yet to hear his tale.

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