Chapter 20

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The thunder was distant but rolled closer to the shore with every foreboding crack

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The thunder was distant but rolled closer to the shore with every foreboding crack.

Jimin was out of bed faster than the lightning brightening the beach, throwing a white shirt over his head as he bolted down the stairs. Sleep was imperative, but he'd had more than enough and now that the storm was here, he needed to get to Gimpo before it was too late.

Skidding into the kitchen, he poured himself a cup of coffee, spilling drops over his chin in his haste to soak up the caffeine while racking his brain for all the things he needed to do before he left.

Double check the security locks he'd installed late last night. Wake his friends to bid them farewell. Retrieve one of the Glocks from Jin or Namjoon because he sure as hell was ready to put at least eight bullets in Taehyung's body this morning.

'Perhaps I should take both guns?' Jimin ruminated, his coffee cup paused an inch from his lips.

Too busy thinking of what to do if shit went down the pan in the next couple of hours, he didn't notice that he had company in the kitchen. Not until a loud sniffle snapped him out of his troubled reverie.

Mee was tilted over the worktop, her petite form shuddering as she smudged mascara around her swollen eyelids.

Placing down his cup, Jimin carefully approached, not wanting to startle the person who was clearly too caught up in her emotions to realise that she was not alone.


The woman gasped, hurriedly wiping her nose to face him with eyes as red as her hair. 'J-Jimin! Sorry, I didn't realise you were here.'

Jimin frowned, quite alarmed at the distressed state presented to him. He really needed to get underway, but something was bothering Mee and his instincts told him not to leave.

'What's wrong?'

Mee gulped, her puffy face scrunching in pain before a jumble of words poured from her lips. 'I was just on the phone to the National Library about my job. I figured they may have fired me because I didn't turn in for a week.'

'You lost your job?' Jimin asked sympathetically, torn between consoling her, and running upstairs to beg for Jin's help. He'd never been great around a sobbing woman, the sight triggered too many childhood memories.

'Yes,' Mee replied frantically, 'my manager told me that they'd found a replacement, but that's not why I'm upset!'

'It's not?' Jimin ventured prudently, conscious that he could set off a ticking bomb if he said the wrong thing.

'No! I was barely listening to what she said,' Mee wept with a fresh tidal wave of emotions that made Jimin almost retreat in panic. 'I was too stunned over what I'd just found.'

A bolt of lightning hit the sea and Jimin's keen gaze briefly flew to the window.

It was 9AM, and the clouds were carrying the storm north towards Gimpo, just as Jin and his Dark Skies app had predicted. He really needed to leave...

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