Chapter 10

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Sweat pooled in Yunhee's eyes. She could barely see her mark, but she smacked the indistinct target in front of her, wrestling for breath as red-hot air scorched her lungs.

'Again!' her instructor bellowed, locking his arms in place ready for the next blow.

Clenching her teeth, Yunhee braced her bare feet and threw her weight into punching the pad on Jin's hand. The resistance felt like granite, and a jolt of pain shot up her wrist as she stumbled backwards over the blue mat.

'Ow, Jin!' Yunhee moaned when her backside hit the floor. 'You're built like a brick shithouse!'

A raucous laugh erupted from Jin as he wiped perspiration from his forehead. 'Everyone is built like a brick shithouse compared to you. You need to work on your strength.'

'I know,' Yunhee agreed as she glanced at the bruises Taehyung had left on her arms, 'but until then, you need to go easy on me. I'm still tender.'

Jin rolled his eyes and lobbed a towel against her puce face. 'Fine. Take five, sissy.'

Swiping it from her head, Yunhee dried herself off, watching the man down a bottle of water while she used her teeth to rip the Velcro straps on her gloves. Lobbing them aside, she flopped back onto the padded mat and stared at the fluorescent lights, still amused by the fact that Jimin owned a gymnasium.

I wonder what other facilities the pompous mob boss has hidden under this roof.

Granted, it was a handy amenity for their line of work; these men always had to be ready to protect themselves.

Jimin's mother was brave, but courage only got you so far. Areum had died because she was physically unable to defend herself, and that was the reason Jin had dragged her arse out of bed and into the training room at 6AM.

Although, he'd yet to show her any useful manoeuvres.

All he'd done was increase her heart rate to the point that Yunhee thought her pulmonary valve would burst.

She was eager to get stuck into the nitty-gritty of self-defence.

Sitting up, Yunhee chugged half a pint of water and scanned the compact area surrounding her. The gym was modest in size, offering two treadmills, a bench press, chest press, and an empty space filled with mats and an assortment of cast iron dumbbells.

And then there was Jin in the centre of it all, his coal hair matted to his forehead, his sleeveless shirt and toned biceps covered in a fine layer of moisture as he checked over his phone. She could see the peculiar tattoo on his arm again and couldn't help but lean forward a notch to get a closer look.

Was it a dark horse? A deformed black dog of some kind...

'I know what you're thinking,' Jin voiced as his astute eyes roved over his screen.

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