Chapter 12 (Part 1)

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'I took Jimin to the library once

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'I took Jimin to the library once.'

'Ah, so that's why you're so eager to visit.'

Yunhee scrunched her brow and adjusted her hood as she gazed at the tall man standing beside her.

The last time she'd stepped inside the National Library, Jimin was by her side, marvelling at the interior. Jin accompanied her today, though, his admiring eyes scanning the open balconies from the foyer.

'One of the reasons,' Yunhee said, feeling the need to accentuate a point. 'I am eager to research ways to open the vortex and get back to him.'

'Indeed,' Jin murmured with a sly smile as he brushed a piece of lint from his Burberry trench coat, 'it all boils down to your obsession with Jimin.'

'I am not obsessed with Jimin,' Yunhee argued, eyeing the haughty man in the expensive attire in a disapproving manner.

'You sure do talk about him a lot.'

'As do you.'

'I've known the man all my life-'

'Jin,' Yunhee whined, 'what's your point?'

When Jin flashed a roguish grin, Yunhee was tempted to reach up and slap him around the back of his flat head. It wasn't the first time he'd teased her about her relationship with Jimin this week, and she suspected it wouldn't be the last.

But as always, Jin's ochre-brown eyes glimmered with mirth. There was no harm in his ribbing; it was simply in his nature. If Kim Seokjin really had a problem with their coupling, he'd have no qualms in letting her know.

'Do you know I come here all the time?' Jin questioned as students and bookworms milled in and out of the main entrance. 'It helps me disconnect from the treacherous mayhem that constitutes our lives. Could never in a million years get Jimin to visit, though. He must really like you if you managed to drag him-'

'Alright, Jin,' Yunhee moaned as she rubbed away a twinge in her shoulder, 'I get it.'

The cheeky man sent her a swift wink and glanced up at the overhead signs while Yunhee continued to massage her muscles.

After their intense self-defence class, she'd spent the rest of the day whimpering in her bedroom like a dying animal. The delayed muscle soreness was worse this morning, and she'd almost tumbled out of bed when Jin knocked on her door to let her know they were leaving for the library in one hour.

Now, here they stood. Two keen souls ready to bury themselves in hundreds of published volumes packed with celestial mumbo-jumbo.

'The weird books are on the third floor next to the newspaper archives, right?' Jin muttered as he pulled out his phone to respond to a message.

'Yes,' Yunhee answered, rather impressed that he already knew his way around the building.

'Super,' Jin nodded as he locked his phone and dropped it into the pocket of his designer coat, 'then let's go.'

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