Chapter 9

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Billows of sand kicked up behind the Mustang Boss as Jimin focused on the quaint building in the distance

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Billows of sand kicked up behind the Mustang Boss as Jimin focused on the quaint building in the distance.

His eyelids were heavy, his body depleted of energy, but the exhilaration of leaving his prison spurred him on.

Tackling Taehyung's security had been no easy feat, but he'd done it stealthily enough without raising an alarm. After dragging the security guards out of sight, he'd snuck into the garage to commandeer a car, driving until the city lights receded and the roads became strips of pitch-black asphalt.

He'd tried to keep his mind active by formulating a plan, but he could scarcely read the street signs, let alone figure out a strategy to help Yunhee.

One thing was clear, though; there was no way of opening that vortex without a storm.

If he wanted to find a way home, he was going to need all the help he could get, and there were only two people left in this world that Jimin trusted.

He just prayed to God that Jin and Namjoon were still occupying the beach house.

Stopping the car at the end of the lane, Jimin cut the engine and glanced through the window at the sweet little residence.

Nothing had altered, the whitewashed slats and sage painted shutters coated with sand, the broken terracotta pots and rocking chair sitting idly on the porch. His Lexus - the first car he'd stolen - was also parked outside the property, giving him hope that Jin and Namjoon hadn't fled.

Crawling out of the car, Jimin welcomed the blast of coastal air that roused his senses. He climbed the rickety steps on autopilot, noting that the interior lights were off as he approached the entrance and tried the handle.

When the door swung open, he clenched his jaw and limped over the threshold.

'Bloody idiots,' he muttered as he swept the living room and picked out familiar items.

Jin's sweatshirt. Namjoon's laptop. Empty beer bottles and discarded food packets.

Jimin grinned from ear to ear, excited at the prospect of seeing Jin and Namjoon after seven days of isolation. He was eager to wake them, so eager that when he made headway to the stairs, he didn't see the coffee table until it smashed into his shins.

'Shit!' Jimin wheezed, falling straight over the surface and landing on his hands and knees with an almighty thump.

Footsteps thundered overhead, and Jimin waited for his friends to emerge as he rolled over and rubbed his bruised legs with a grumpy pout.

'That table was not there when I left, guys!'

Someone flicked the light on, and Jimin groaned when the harsh glow hit his eyes. He looked up, blinking in astonishment when he discovered a short clad Namjoon barrelling towards him with a sturdy piece of driftwood.

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