Chapter 15

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Apologies this took so long

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Apologies this took so long. It's a MAMMOTH chapter (6400 words). I finished tonight, and had a quick scan through. If you spot any grammatical errors, apologies again. I will likely come back and edit it, but it shouldn't effect your reading experience. Enjoy :)


I'll find you again...

Yunhee's head jolted off the bureau, a piece of paper cemented to her blemished cheek as she blinked at her surroundings

'Jimin?' she whispered, her heart beating fanatically while she glanced around the room. 'Are you there?'

The study remained silent.

With a tired grumble, Yunhee peeled the sheet from her face and dropped it next to the book she'd been reading. Why would Jimin materialise now? She was merely dreaming of his voice after falling asleep at his desk because she was exhausted.

Closing the paperback, she stretched her arms above her head and yawned. The pages were irrelevant to their investigation, but after hours of taking notes on wormholes and components of the planets, she'd given up and opened the item that had drawn her in at the National Library.

Besides the stone, The Law of Attraction was her only connection to Jimin. Reading it comforted her to an extent. It also killed time while waiting for Jin to return with six cases of bottled water. Friday had come around fast, and their trip to the warehouse to test their theory on the four elements was finally upon them.

If it worked, she would no longer need the solacing book to feel close to Jimin. If it worked, she would see him again...

Scraping her chair back, Yunhee rose to her feet to gather up her new research, thinking about the plan. Jin was driving her to Jebu-ri island tonight. The beach house was the only other place she wanted to be. The only other place she could feel close to Jimin and the memories they'd shared.

Speak of the devil.

Yunhee placed her books down when she heard Jin's voice out in the foyer. He'd arrived with their goods, but it sounded like he was stuck in a debate with his bothersome colleague on the phone.

'I'll drop by in the morning to go over the accounts,' Jin appeased on the other side of the door. 'There's something I need to do today.'

'You're slacking off again?' Namjoon bellowed loud enough for the whole estate to hear. 'There are things we need to do, Jin. Like search for our boss-'

'The word slack is not in my vocabulary,' Jin replied nonchalantly as he strode into the study. When his eyes met Yunhee's, he lifted an index finger and mouthed, 'One sec,' before resuming his conversation. 'And believe me when I say I am looking for him, Joon.'

'You think I was born yesterday? When are you going to tell me what you're up to, Seokjin?'

'Soon,' Jin stated calmly as he strolled towards the bureau Yunhee was propped on. 'I'll be at the club eight sharp.'

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