Chapter 19

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That was one way of describing Taehyung's current mood.

There was also a deep-rooted itch, one he yearned to scratch until the persistent irritation was erased from the recesses of his mind for good. And yet, it was always a hair's breadth from reach, hovering maddeningly beyond his grasp while taunting him like a clown at the circus.

Park Jimin.

Drawing smoke from his crinkled rollie, Taehyung leaned against the corrugated shack sitting close to the beach house as the morose clouds congregated overhead. Across the way, heavy waves splashed against the shore, creating a disturbingly soothing atmosphere that contrasted his unpredictable thoughts.

Ninety minutes.

Ninety frightfully long minutes watching Seokjin charm his way under the skirt of a woman who - only last week - was of value to him, while Namjoon skulked in his bedroom, glued to his laptop, and drinking a bottomless cup of coffee.

Jimin's two friends and the splendidly alluring redhead went about their business inside the cosy building, but the infuriating man he wished to maim was nowhere in sight. A slight hindrance, if he intended to stop him before tomorrow.

Witnessing their pitiful nightly routine was making Taehyung queasy, but the roar of water and cloaked moonlight worked in their favour, concealing Hoseok and his men who presently scoured the vicinity for the missing party member.

Taehyung leered wickedly, turning the crushed cigarette between his gloved fingertips as he thought of what he would do once he got his hands on Jimin. Removing two of his fingers with his father's knife would stop the gun-wielding bastard from firing a weapon, but that wasn't enough.

No. He longed to leave a mark. A clean slice through Jimin's cheek from the corner of his smiling lips to the base of his ear. That is how Yunhee would find him when he brought her back to where she belonged. But their reunion would be short lived.

He'd make sure of that.

Extinguishing his rollie on the iron shed, Taehyung listened as the murky heavens rumbled threateningly and a flash of light illustrated the horizon.

The storm he'd waited for was only hours away, bringing with it a new lease of life.

'There you are.'

Taehyung sneered as footsteps approached from behind, shattering the silence they were supposed to be upholding. Hoseok was here with an update, but he wished he'd arrived ten seconds earlier so that he could snuff out his cigarette in the man's eye.

'Well?' Taehyung drawled, keeping his lean back to him. 'Did you locate him or not?'

'Um...he's not here, boss.'

'Incompetent idiot,' Taehyung hissed as he squeezed his eyes shut.

How hard was it to obtain one man? A man who he was tremendously looking forward to disfiguring.

Two Worlds Apart | PJM - KTH ✓ (Hahm Series #2)Where stories live. Discover now