Chapter Twenty Two

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Returning home, it was almost like the dream was over, Tana had to get back into the reality of it all. They had arrived back late Sunday, so she had not had the chance to go for a run, but seeing she had been walking around most of the weekend, she was sure that would compensate. Hugo had messaged her and asked where she had been as he had not seen her on the running track and when he popped in, she did not answer the door. As Tana had not really told too many she was going away, it was no surprise to her that she had some people questioning. She had sent him an apology message, explaining she had been in Queensland. They had a discussion about it, and she advised she would likely see him on the Tuesday at her Grandfathers house.

Back at work on the Monday, Tana was in a very good mood, Allyson wanted to hear about her short trip, even asking if she got a chance to see the set in which Thomas was filming in. Allyson had known what was going on as they had discussed it Friday before work ended. Allyson was very curious and teased Tana about the whole bed situation, though they had a laugh about it as Tana explained how they sorted that situation out. Tana even told her a bit about the rock climbing and abseiling. It was good to have somebody to talk to about it and Allyson was keen to do something like that as well. They mildly decided when the chance came, they would try and find a place in South Australia where they could do that and go together as well. Tana said that Thomas would likely come, which Allyson was totally ok with considering she was keen to meet him.

On Tuesday, Tana kept to her promise and not staying back after work, she got the train to her car and then drove over to her Grandfathers house. When she arrived, he was happy to see her, though he looked pretty frail and weak and she asked Hugo how he had been doing in the past week. Hugo explain he had a high temperature recently but that has passed and he was trying to recover from it. Tana was really worried and suggested a doctors visit was needed, Hugo nodded and she heard him in the kitchen making a call, to his office, requesting for them to book an appointment for a locum to come out.

Tana stayed there for a couple of hours, even if her Grandfather had fallen asleep, and even if Hugo had finished shift and gone home. She was worried about him, and though the house was pretty clean and another carer was to arrive soon, she made sure all of his washing was done and the dishes were put away. She wanted to do this, so the carer could focus all their care on her Grandfather, to make sure she was going to be ok.

Come Thursday, September twelfth, Tana had to spend the day with Clark. He had requested her to come to a court case, and to sit and observe, to take notes on what he was doing with the case, as a learning possibility, as well, he wanted to see if she could pick up anything that he may have missed, that could help with the case. It was kind of like a test, but she did not mind. Tana was silent, listening and watching. There was not much that she picked up on, so Clark had it mostly covered. She did notice though, that while the accused was on the stand, they made a comment about something, that was in the report, but not something Clark had listed to question. Something that was in the victims report that the accused had not been charged with, but it was there. During a break, Tana mentioned this, said it may be something minor, but she noticed. Clark looked over the report for a moment and back to what the accused had stated. Back in the court room, Clark asked for the accused to take the stand again, he addressed the comment and address that it was something in the report, but not a charge. The accused claimed they never mentioned it, however, Clark was smarter and had the typist check and confirm and it was proven they had stated it, which made them become uncomfortable. Clark asked further on it, claiming if they mentioned it, then lied, how could they believe anything else said was true. The accused started to get angry and snapped a little, going off at Clark for twisting their words. Which made them slip up and admit to one of the charges in which they all day had been claiming innocence.

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