Chapter Forty Nine

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Clark had been annoyed when Allyson first called him out. He hated when his staff called out across the room and Allyson had really shouted. He was gearing up to tell her off when he stepped out of his office room, only to find she looked panicked and waved him closer. He was shocked to find she was on a skype call and of all the people whom it could have been it was Tana. Clark was shocked and really did not know what to do or say, but he was trying to hold himself together. Just by her voice, he knew she was not doing well, she sounded very weak and her words were restricted.

She was telling them something to do with emails and without a noise, he had Allyson open her emails and true to the word, there was something waiting there. Clark flagged Luke over, throwing him the address on a note pad and rushed note, telling him to run down to the second floor and take the address Tana had sent to Head Officer Black. Shane came over ready as well. He may be a pain in the back side some times, but in serious situations, he was on the ball. He stood there listening, pen and paper at the ready.

Clark had so many questions to ask but they were all silent again, because they had heard him, Hugo. He was calling out for Tana and though could hear noise. Was she trying to hide she was talking to them? Clark would not allow Allyson to hang up the call, he needed to know what was happening. Hugo spoke in threatening tones at Tana and it was clear she was very afraid of him. He did not believe her excuse and not know what was going on, hearing noise, Clark felt his blood boiling.

He knew Hugo was not dumb and would have figured it out the moment Allyson said she would speak up. Clark did not hide that he was there when Hugo called him out, but he told everyone else to be silent. Head Officer Black had rushed up to the office, and wrote on a note to say they were preparing a team to go to the address. He wanted to keep Hugo busy and Clark knew what he had to do. They needed time and it was clear that Hugo did not know Tana had given them the address.

It was painful though, to hear the words Hugo spoke and the way he was tormenting Tana with them. He was a sick man and Clark wanted to reach through the computer and strangle the other man. It was not right, it was not fair and Clark did not want to sit around, but he had to, he needed to keep Hugo busy.

The whole situation was a mess though. Hugo did not want to listen to reason and being the spiteful and evil man he was, he turned the video on, demanding they do the same, welcoming them to the scene of what he wanted them to see. Allyson covered her mouth and tears fell down her face the moment they saw Tana. She was trapped in a desk chair, held forcefully by Hugo. He was rough and Clark could tell that Tana was not handling it well. She was in a bad way. She was pale and weak, she was extremely thin and what she was wearing was dirty and a mess. Her hair was a mess and for what he could see, she was covered in injuries, bruises and more. She was crying and it just fuelled his anger towards Hugo for what he had been doing to her.

As the conversation continued, it was not something easy for any of them to watch, Clark sent Allyson away, leaving only him on screen, while Shane listened to note anything needed down and Luke and Officer Black watched on from the side, not seen by Hugo on the screen. Clark wanted to reason with Hugo, just so he would leave Tana alone, but it was not working and it just seemed to back fire on him even more.

They could not do this; they could not keep watching. Not after Hugo caught Tana on the face, sending her onto the floor and then kicking her, slamming her head into the floor. It was too much, and Clark felt like he was going to throw up. He wanted to stay, to be that support for Tana, but he could not. The best he could do was end the call and straight away he grabbed his personal items and rushed out of the office hot on the heels of Officer Black. They caught the elevator up to the roof and found there was a Helicopter already waiting. A couple of other officers were already in there gearing up and it looked like Officer Black had been down in the office waiting for them to be ready before heading up and their timing was spot on.

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