Chapter Twenty Seven

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She sat in the car, silent and feeling strange, not sure what she should do. It was not the first time she had been in Clarks car, driven by James, but right now, it was all very strange to her. It was October Twenty Third, Wednesday and Clark had taken it upon himself to make sure she got home ok. Tana had refused, haven booked a taxi already, but in turn, he had refused to let her go alone in the taxi, cancelled it and demanded she get in his car, demanded she accept his offer to take her home. She was confused and embarrassed about the whole situation, finally leaving the hospital and Clark rocking up and taking charge.

In fact, everything right now was weird. When she woke, she had a small panic attack, thinking she was a twelve-year-old kid again, just waking up from her coma. But she was not twelve and she had not been in a coma. It had been early morning on the Sunday, she was woken by somebody touching her, and when she was able to open her eyes more than slits, somebody speaking to her, she found it was a nurse over her and yet, he was there too, Clark, back to her, looking out the window. His hands had been behind his back and she had seen the bandages around them.

Tana was not silly, she knew the moment she woke, that he had been at the hospital that whole time. She was shocked, confused and embarrassed and furthermore, her mind was fearful for what had happened. The fire, the way it all started and the way it ended for her. She had been struggling to breath, trying to respond back to Clark, but she could not hold on further and she sank into a painful darkness.

The nurse, whom was there, eventually settled her nerves after she freaked out upon waking, and explained to her in minor details, she had a cast on her leg for her ankle, and stiches in her side, which she was advised to take things slow so they did not pull. The first words Tana did speak, was to ask how Allyson was, worried about her friend, her work college. There was not much of an answer, the Nurse just stated she will try and find out, as if really, she did not want to say anything. Tana was worried, afraid something had happened, and the moment the nurse left, her attention went straight to Clark, who had turned and had been watching.

She demanded at that point to know what was going on, finding out the basic as anyone could give her. That Allyson had head trauma and had not yet woken up, but was stable and they were monitoring her, even so, it worried Tana, bought back memories to her about the time in which she woke up when she was younger, the fear, the confusion. She hoped that Allyson would be ok. Clark had not understood. How she could worry about others before herself, wondering if she knew how serious the whole situation had been. She did, and she told him pointedly that she knew how serious it all was.

She spent a couple of days in the hospital, having a visit from Jason, on Doctor matters. It had been a bit of a shock to her, to hear his words, that she had once again been very lucky. There must be some sort of guardian looking out for her, because he explained that if not for the pacemaker, they likely would have lost her again. The fact that her heart had stopped, but the small device had kicked in and got it started again. Tana was grateful she had it in, because she did fear it, the news that she was given, the thought of just being gone so suddenly like that, no warning, no chance to do anything about it.

She felt a little shut off from things, and her mind was trying to process it all, the fire and the sudden memory from a past she had forgotten. It was not that she remembered everything, she could not recall the things she did at camp, but she recalled his face. Why, she was unsure, but in her heart, she knew it was not just some made up thought considering he had helped her in the fire on the weekend, but because he had been there too, in the past and they had both been stuck in the fire at the camp. What actually happened back then, she did not have that knowledge, but she knew one hundred percent he had been there.

That was the reason why she was silent, watching out the window as James drove the car and Clark sat in the seat on the other side of the car, the middle seat between them. He was silent too, and she did slightly wonder what he was thinking. Was he aware? She had not said anything since waking up and he had not either, so she was not even sure if he knew. All she could figure was that he was being all controlling and boss like, as always.

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