Chapter Thirty

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Having the time to calm down, it gave Tana a chance to put a few things into prospective. It meant that on Tuesday evening when she arrived home after work, she made her way down the road to Hugo's and dropped a letter into his mail box. In it, she explained that she had heard what he had said when he came to apologise, but she was too upset to open the door too him and needed time to calm down. She explained that she had thought they were friends and that his comments had been very hurtful and that even if they were friends, it was not his place to comment or judge on her actions in such ways as he had,. She advised him in the letter that they could still be friends, however, it was just going to take a little while to be able to fully trust him again. She had left it at that and now things was up to him from there.

Wednesday evening, Hugo came to her door, knocking. She stood on one side of the screen door and he stood on the other. They spoke, not like friends would, but to chat over what happened and Hugo apologising again wanting to correct his mistakes. He offered to make it up to her and promised they could hang out on the coming weekend as friends, to move past this hurdle of theirs. Tana was not sure at first, but in the end, she agreed she would go with him. She had no idea where he would take them, but she hoped it was not going to be too impacting, due to still relying on the crutches some.

Thursday came. At work it was a bit interesting. Never had they had a chance to celebrate events, however, now that Clark was more willing to make the work place a bit better, the office got a chance to have a small celebration for Halloween. Thursday the thirty first and they had a shared lunch. Everyone bought in something to eat and they all got to have a relaxing afternoon. A few of the office team wanted to go out after work and have a couple of drinks at a near by pub, however, Tana was not one to go.

She already had plans and that was an old tradition for her, with Thomas coming around and the two of them having Chinese and watching scary movies for the night. They had always used to do these type of things, but when they lost contact it had stopped. Now they were talking again, it was back on and Tana was excited for it.

On time, Thomas arrived, the smell of Chinese following him as usual. They greeted with smiles and friendly hugs and then set out plates to dish up the food. The first movie the two selected was Nightmare before Christmas and then with time left for the night, the put on a new horror movie that had recently come out. Thomas was a little frightened of the movie, but Tana found it compelling, like she was seeing it from a writers point of view. Thomas teased her about this, but she teased him back about being scared. They laughed and had a good night.

Soon enough, November the second arrived and it was Saturday. Tana could feel her anxiety rising as she got herself ready, making sure she wore something decent that could be comfortable for anything they would do. When Hugo arrived to pick her up, he seemed very shy and unsure for a moment, she could tell that he wanted to apologise again, but she told him he had done so enough. He was a bit surprised though to see crutches as a part of her accessories. Tana knew soon she would be able to get rid of them, but for now, it was helpful.

It was clear he had not contemplated something like this, but after a moment of thought, it seemed to Tana that he had a work around in his mind. She asked what the plans were and Hugo told her is was a surprise, but not to panic as there were not going to be travelling too far out of the city areas.

The drive, that was slightly uncomfortable. Neither of them spoke much, even though Tana could tell that Hugo wanted to ask some questions, but he kept changing his mind. She started to wonder if this was a good idea, but after a while she told herself to relax and just work through it. They were friends, trying to be friends. He had a moment and so she could not judge him too much on that. It made tana feel better thinking this and so she felt more at ease.

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