Chapter Forty Five

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Clark felt exhausted. It had been an unexpected busy week. He had planned to be out of Office on the Monday and return on the Tuesday, however, that did not happen. He was delayed and it meant that he was only returning to the office now that it was Friday the twentieth of November. Things were quiet in the office when he arrived, it was already work time and the office was full of his staff. Carrying a brief case in his hand, Clark walked towards his privet office room, however, he paused and looked over at the personal assistant desk with caved brows. He was confused.

"Allyson... what are you doing?" Clark asked.
"Good morning Boss." Allyson said. "Welcome back. I have all the documents you needed."
"Where... is Tana?" he asked.
"Oh... I thought you knew." Allyson said confused herself now.
"Knew what?" Clark asked firmly.
"Tana sent an email communication in to the office early Monday morning. She said she was sick and would take the day off." Allyson explained.
"So... if that was Monday... why are we at Friday and she is not here?" he asked sounding annoyed.
"We haven't seen her all week actually. She must be pretty sick." Allyson said. "Maybe it is her heart again, not sure."
"And you did not think it was a good idea to let the loss know?" Clark was furious.
"Well... well... I thought.... You would have already known. I know you two... are close." She replied.
"Call her now. Tell her I am not happy and I want a good reason for this." Clark snapped. "Just because we are friends, does not mean she can take time off when ever she wants."

He walked to his office in annoyance and slammed the door shut and put his case down in a foul mood. He did not understand what Tana was playing at. What made her think she could take a week off. He told her not to get drunk at the party, her birthday party. He hold her he wanted her at work on Monday. She had blown it. Even if she had been sick, it was not right for her to just skip out on things. He was angry and was almost ready to call her himself, possibly fire her for abusing their friendship in such a way.

He was distracted however, when there was a soft knock on his office door. Clark turned around looking up and telling whom ever was there to enter. The door opened and Allyson poked her head in. She looked a bit worried and Clark knew it was because she knew he was angry and feared he would take it out on her. He let out a sigh to try and calm himself and requested for her to tell him why she had knocked.

"Sir... I tried to call... her phone went straight to voicemail." Allyson explained, which confused him and she looked confused as well. "Sir... you also have an appointment. It's is Tana's friend Claudia."
"Send her in." he said.

Clark sat down on the chair behind his desk and waited for Claudia to come in. She looked tired and he could see the first signs of a baby bump under her clothing. He felt sorry for her, for the situation she was in and he was glad she had come to him for help. Tana had asked for advice and it seemed that Claudia was now following through with it.

As appointments goes, they had the discussion and set out the plans for what Claudia was going to need to do. She had already told Jerry that she was pregnant, there was no choice in regards to if she should tell him or not. When he had found out, Jerry threatened her again, demanding that she give him rights to his own child when it is born. This did not do him any favours and caused him to be put into solitary for a few days. This on the other hand, worked better for Claudia and her defence to keep Jerry away from the child, at least while he was still doing time.

It was at the end of the appointment that things took a turn and changed. Clark was guiding Claudia out of his office, to get her to make a new appointment with Allyson. At that point he could see that Claudia was looking around and he knew just whom she was looking for. It just annoyed him all over again, to think that Tana was using his friendship for what ever she wanted.

"Where is Tana?" Claudia asked looking back at him.
"Apparently taking time off." Clark said in a low tone.
"Since when does she take time off... unless she is sick." Claudia said.
"Must have got stupidly drunk on the weekend before." Clark said disapprovingly.
"That is impossible." Claudia said surely. "We stayed the night at Jason's and then I dropped her home on the Sunday. She was not drunk, she was perfectly healthy."
"hmmm." Clark thought for a moment and then pulled out his phone, dialling a number.
"Hello." Jason spoke on the other end.
"Jason. Has Tana come to hospital, due to her heart and the operation?" Clark asked.
"No. I have not seen her since Sunday." Jason admitted.
"What operation?" Claudia asked overhearing his comment.
"I have to go Jason. I am going to check on Tana at home." Clark said.
"keep me updated. I have to do an operation soon, so leave me a text." Jason said.

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