Chapter Forty

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The good mood that Tana was feeling stayed with her when she woke up on the Monday morning getting ready for work and left the house, driving to the city and heading to the office. She was early as usual, Clark the only other person in the office. They met in the kitchen, making a warm drink each. Clark was watching Tana and she turned, looking up to him. He did not do it often, but a small smile played on his lips. He asked her if she had a good weekend, because she seemed very relaxed. She told him she did, that she got to spend time with some friends and it was just a good chance to relax and forget all troubles in life. Clark nodded, agreeing it is nice to have a chance and a good time, he was happy.

He headed out of the kitchen, as Tana continued to make her, she heard a noise and turned her head to look around. She saw Shane walking into the kitchen looking very chipper and when he noticed her a big smile crossed his face. He moved over to the bench and Tana was surprised when he jumped up a little and sat on the bench, like a little kid. She looked at him and said a morning greeting and then went back to finishing her hot chocolate. Until Shane started talking again and this was the point where he weekend mood was draining right from her.

"So... Miss Tana.... I did not know you were well versed on the guys." Shane smirked.
"What does that mean?" Tana asked confused.
"Oh.... You don't know.... Hmm... another term.... Playing the field." Shane suggested.
"Playing the field.... What the hell are you talking about?" Tana asked getting annoyed.
"well, to think. I was out and about with some friends on the weekend, and strangely noticed you three times... but each time... with someone different. Beach, movies, café lunch. You sure seemed to be a busy girl." He laughed.
"You have the wrong idea Shane." Tana said feeling annoyed.
"Oh really." Shane asked cheekily. "Did you also go out with Boss? I wouldn't be surprised if you did, you two are quite friendly."
"Shane, honestly, stop being a dick." A voice spoke firmly.

They both looked up and saw Clark standing at the door, his arms folded, leaning on the door frame and a look of displeasure on his face. Tana felt glad he was there, to stop Shane asking more questions, but with a quick look at Shane, she did not think this was over yet.

"Ah Boss! Speak of the Devil." Shane smirked. "You upset that other men are moving in on your little girl Tana?"
"You have no idea what you are talking about." Clark said surely.
"Oh come on Clarky Man. It's all in good fun." Shane said. "I saw Tana out on the weekend, so I was teasing her a little. I know, she really is not that type of girl, I just wanted to have a little fun and joke about it all."
"That is not the point, you are being rude and nosy." Clark stated.
"Hmmm.... Ok." Shane said sadly, like his fun was all over. "I just wonder... Tana was very close to all three men, so why wouldn't I be curious."
"You are a dick shit." Tana hissed. "You have no idea and just run your mouth. Sometimes Shane you are good, but other times you are a fool. A girl can have close friends without it meaning more. Jason and I have known each other for a while and get along well. Thomas and I went to high school together and his is a fun person who loves to joke around. Hugo has been a supporting help recently and was caring after my grandfather and we formed a friendship. That is all. So now you know the nitty gritty, you can stop running your mouth and leave me alone for the rest of the day and just get what is important done, your bloody work."

With those words, and her mood not so happy any more, Tana grabbed her warm mug and walked out of the kitchen. Clark shifted to allow her to pass and as she did Tana caught the look on his face from the corner of her eye. She was sure that Clark would have known whom she was talking about with the name drops, but she could see that he seemed somewhat distracted as she went past him. Tana was not sure what was on his mind, but she did not want to ask, so she simply continued on back to her own desk, sitting down and getting work started.

She needed to put Shane's comments to the back of her mind, so they did not impact her work. It was true though, it was none of his business and he was making something huge out of something simple. She did not need any of that right now. All Tana wanted was to focus on was her work, her study and keep pushing on with everything else, to try and leave the negative behind.

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