Chapter Thirty Two

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With her birthday past and a couple of busy weeks with work, study and doing her best to keep her head above water, Tana found that the time was going by very quickly. As December hit, she got work from Clark that there was a case happening over in Tasmania and he needed a team to go along with him. He wanted Tana to go along, for work and learning, as well as Allyson, Luke and Shane. At the office, he would be leaving one of the other long term employees in charge of looking after the place and keeping everyone on track.

They left on a flight on the Monday night and arrived in Hobart a few hours later. Clark had everything booked and planned. They arrived at the place they were staying, that looked like some sort of hotel pent house, with six rooms and two living spaces and a large kitchen. Tana liked it, and Allyson was surprised at how well they would be living for the next few days. That was because not long after they arrived, a chef walked in and started making a meal for them all. After the meal, all being tired, they went to the different rooms and all crashed it for the night.

Waking up on Tuesday the tenth of December, Tana went to the kitchen to get herself a glass of water. She was already dressed and ready and when she arrived she found that Clark too was already there. He looked up when she approached and gave a morning greeting. Tana greeted back and sat down after filling a glass.

"Do you need me to go over any files for the case?" Tana asked him.
"Keen to work so much already?" Clark asked back with a slight grin.
"That is what we are here for right?" Tana asked.
"I am sure others would like some free time." Clark suggested.
"Work first, relax later." Tana replied.
"Very well." Clark said back.

Tana took a sip of her water as Clark stood up. He walked way from the kitchen area and went to the room he was using. He was gone for a few minutes and then returned, with a box full of papers and put them down in front of Tana. She looked at the box and then at Clark. He looked at her too and then shrugged, like it was normal and then turned and walked away again. Tana frowned and then shock her head, what ever was going on in Clarks mind, it was not her business.

While Allyson, Luke and Shane went out after they had breakfast, Tana stayed behind and went through the paper work. She had tied everything up, putting things in order and cross referencing things. In fact, in doing so, she came across some details that had either been wrong or missed. It was well into the afternoon when she finished and just as she did, the door to the penthouse opened and Clark walked in. He stopped, looking over at her again.

"Have you even moved?" he asked, a small tone of annoyance in his voice.
"No.... but I found some stuff that might help your case." Tana said positively.

Clark seemed to hesitate for a moment, before he came closer, placing hands on the table as he looked down at what Tana had been doing. He was silently staring at the stuff, before reaching over and picking something up. It was one of the bits of details that Tana had found that was not in the main information, yet that she felt was important. Clark studied it, and then with a slight nod and a hm noise, placed the paper back on the table. Tana looked around at him, a little confused, as Clark nodded and then turned and walked away.

Feeling a little confused as to what was going on, Tana let out a small sigh and making sure everything was in order, she gathered the documents and pleased them neatly back into the box, haven decreased everything into the main document, with the originals as a back up. Just as she finished, she hard a noise and looked around, jumping in shock for a moment when she saw Shane sitting comfortably on the lounge, like he was very relaxed and watching something entertaining.

"So... what is going on with you two huh?" he asked with a smirk.
"With who?" Tana asked confused.
"Come on Tana, do not play dumb. You and Clark." He stated leaning forward.
"I do not know what you mean... what is going on?" she asked back frowning.
"Seriously... you are either blind or playing dumb." Shane stated.
"About what?" Tana asked feeling annoyed at his coded speech.

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