Chapter Forty Two

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It had been a big night and while there was that moment of revelation, it was one of those situations where the girls found out the truth, but they did not keep forcing the matter. It was explained enough to them that they did not need to ask anything further... yet. Other then that, it had been a decent night and everyone had a good time. Dillan's house had been nice. Two story, six bedroom, large living and rumpus, open living. It had plenty of space for them all. Though, only Jason and Trudy stayed over night, while Tana and the rest all made their own ways home.

As planned, the next morning, Tana went for a run on the track again. She felt good about things for the first time in a few months, and even though her friends now knew the truth, she did not think they were going to look at her in any other way. They were still her friend and she saw that when she had a message from Chelsea asking how she was after a rest. She replied that she was ok and kept running.

Like all the other times while she was running, Tana came across paths with Hugo. They finished the run together, having a brief chat about things. Tana told him about the new role and he was pretty excited for her about it. He promised to watch the other film as well, to see what it was like. He had not been at the party the night before so she did not bring up much about it, just said she had a decent night.

Back home and showered, Tana checked her phone to make sure that she had the right details and then she was out of the house again, getting in her car and driving to meet Claudia. They had it sorted for a week now to catch up for lunch and Tana was not going to keep avoiding people so she agreed to meet up. Tana arrived at Café Brinelli in the area of Salisbury. Looking around she saw Claudia already there and waiting and with a small smile on her face Tana walked over to the table and sat down across from her friend.

They greeted, asked how each other were, even though they saw each other the night before. After a short chat they started looking through the menu, commenting on what they would eat. Tana in the end chose a warm chicken salad, which was a normal for her lately. Claudia ordered a pasta dish and a stater of garlic and herb bread. They each got a drink and while they waited for their meals, they talked some more.

Once their food came, their conversation was less, as both girls enjoyed their meal and ate mostly in silence. Tana however, felt like Claudia had something on her mind, like she wanted to say something but kept saying other things to postpone what was to come. Tana was worried for her friend and in a comforting way, she reached a hand over the table and gripped Claudia's. Tana knew she had recently been through a lot and all Tana wanted to do was to be there for her friend, like Claudia was always there for her.

"Tana...." Claudia finally said with a huge sigh. "I have... something to tell you."
"I am listening." Tana said gently.
"I just... please of not freak out at me." Claudia suggested.
"Why would I freak out?" Tana asked now confused.
"Tana.... Jerry and I were trying to be good for each other... until he turned again." Claudia said sadly, fighting back the tears. "The case is over... but our connection is not."
"Claudia, what is going on? Are you ok? Is he threatening you again?"" Tana asked.
"No... he does not even know anything yet..." Claudia answered. "I just... I found out... that I am pregnant.... With his child."

Tana was stunned, she did not now what to say at first. Her friend was looking at her fearfully and Tana knew now was the not the time to loose her shit. While she did not like Jerry, Tana was a loyal friend and would do anything to help Claudia, even if it meant to help her through this pregnancy. She could tell that Claudia was very worried and scared for what was to come, and Tana did not have much advice for her, but she still moved seats and sat next to Claudia to give her a tight hug.

They stayed at the café for a long time, talking and trying to work it all out. Claudia would be around about four months pregnant, hitting half way or very close to it. She told Tana she had only just found out a week ago and has been very stressed since then and not sure how she should do things legally. Tana promised Claudia that she would ask Clark for advise on this one, as it was clear she was still very fearful of Jerry and what he may do.

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