Chapter Twenty Four

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When Tana went back to work on the Monday, she had all intention of not saying anything about the past week, but her luck ran out when a bunch of flowers arrived for her. Tana was surprised by this as much as everyone else, and even though everyone was making a fuss, carrying on over the idea that Tana had a secret boyfriend or something, she had to fess up and tell them it was from a friend because her Grandfather passed away and they had been away and not able to attend the funeral. It was true because said friend was Thomas and he had been away filming stunts again. He had known her Grandfather due to their past friendship in high school, and he had been sad to hear the news. The flowers were his way of trying to lift her spirits. Once she confessed what was going on, the other staff left her alone, though Clark did call her into his office, questioning why she had not said anything, as he would have given her time off. She told him there had been no need for it and left it at that.

It took Tana a little while to pull back, to feel better about the loss, and so they hit October fast. She mostly spent her time at home studying, going for a run, or messaging people. She was not quite in the mood to go out and have fun. She may not have cried or broken down like other family had, but she was very sad, as it was a massive loss she had to deal with, again. Tana did not do well with loss, but she was trying hard not to lose herself completely.

October twelfth and Dillan's Birthday hit. He invited Tana out to a small get together at the bowling alley, telling her she could invite a couple of her girlfriends if she liked. Most were busy, but Emilia was free and joined them. It did mean that with Jason and Trudy also there, their numbers were not even and so they all played on the same lane, but it made it more fun. Tana tried to have a chat with Trudy, to smooth over a little of that ill will that had been there the last time they met up, because Tana did not remember her. The conversation did not last long, because Tana lost ideas on what to talk about, but at least there was a start to it, and with Dillan being a fool and showing off, the mood became relaxed very quickly.

In fact, he and Emilia had a good banter going on, him betting her that he would get more points then she would. Tana told him he was a fool, he thought he was in for the win. He was judging Emilia due to her size, as she was a little shorter than normal, she was kind and gentle, but he did not know how clever she was and how skilled at things she could be. Dillan lost and he owed Emilia a meal. Tana was glad she had gone out, glad that she had a bit of fun and knew it had been what she had needed after the last few weeks she had. When they finished, Tana and Emilia went back to Tana's house, to watch a movie and chat. It was nice, because it was rare they got a chance to catch up on their own. They got to talk a lot, and Tana told Emilia a little about how she felt loosing her Grandfather. Her friend completely understood, knowing what it was like loosing family and so she was actually a good support, a good ear to listen.

Sunday, Tana went for her normal run, Hugo joining her like normal, but neither of them discussing anything about her Grandfather. They did not say much actually, because Tana was trying to run a little faster than her normal, and work on her breathing. Mid-week on Wednesday, Tana spent the day in the court rooms with Clark. They were covering a workplace bullying case and Tana could not help to pick up that some of the things were similar to what she experienced with Jenny. Nagging, rumours, extra workload. But there still was more in this case and in the end, Clarks client was given a payout for mental health damages to the horrible bullying they received. She had a chat with him later in the day, as they stayed back at work, so he could help her with the studies. She expressed how the case made her feel, about Jenny, which he understood her thoughts and allowed her to know he has a record of everything, so if Jenny kept going, she would not have it easy. Tana seemed not to be the only staff impacted by Jenny, and that made her feel like she was not being a sook.

On the eighteenth, the Friday, the planning that Tana and Allyson had been doing for the team building weekend was finally coming together, and with Clark hiring a small bus, they all finished work an hour early and boarded. Clark had told everyone to pack enough for the weekend, so there were a few bags to load in as well. Everyone was a bit excited and Tana knew she was too. Not only was it a team building event, it meant that they all got a little get away. It was not too far, in the area of Piccadilly, near Mount Lofty and while the staff could do their own things during some of their stay, Tana was hoping to go for a hike up the side of the mountain.

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