Chapter Thirty One

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Ten days passed, Tana kept herself busy, trying not to think too much about anything, as she focused on work, study and her stories. She did not tell anyone externally what happened at the courts, though a few from the office saw it and told others, so the whole office heard that Jenny had gone crazy and tried to stab her. Clark did not talk about it, and Tana was glad, because she did not want to either. Her way to moving past it was to not think about it and just do what she needed to do.

It hit November sixteen, a Saturday, and Tana had planned for a quiet day at home. She had woken in the morning and with one look at her phone she groaned and turned it to silent, leaving it in her room, as she made her way down stairs to the kitchen. The house was silent and that was just the way she wanted it, as she made herself a hot chocolate and once ready, took a step out into her tiny courtyard.

Taking a seat on a new deck chair she had bought, she looked over at the few pots of plants she had lined up against the wall dividing her court yard to the lady next door. There was about five pots and as she sipped her hot chocolate Tana wondered if she should get some more. Starting making the area feel a bit more earthly. She was not home a lot, so she did not get a lot of time to think about things, but being a day off work and nothing planned it gave her mind room to think.

At the start of the week, the cast n her ankle was taken off and in place she had a moon boot. Her ankle was doing ok, and she could now start trying to walk on it. She still had the crutches, but more of a supporting matter if she needed it while trying to put weight on her foot again. It felt good though, because around her house, she could just hold onto things and be ok to get around. It felt to her like she had more freedom now that the cast was gone.

Sitting out in her court yard for a while, time passed and tana did not even notice it. Not until she heard the door bell going off. She frowned. She had not invited anyone over and Tana was not sure who would be coming to her house so early. It was only just past nine and she knew most people she would have around her house would still be getting ready for the day.

However, when she opened the door, Tana was not so surprised in the end, to see that it was her father standing there waiting to be let in. Tana opened the door for him and allowed her father into the house. They hugged in greeting and she offered him a drink right away. Coffee, white with two sugars. That was what he always had and so she wasted no time making it for him as she moved to the dinning table and sat down watching her. He asked about the ankle while she worked and she told him it was healing well enough.

Sitting at the table together, they just chatted about different things. Her father was very busy with work and did not have a lot of time. She was a little worried for him, because he was not young any more and he seemed to be busy with doing so much. He needed to slow down and yet, he claimed he was doing it so he can support his children. Tana knew what he meant by that but did not make her feel any better. Her father had always been a kind man, caring of his children and would do anything for them. He was make sure if they were low on money, he would help out. Tana herself did not always ask for much. She did owe him a little that she was paying back bit by bit as he had helped with a large expense, but at least she was making an effort. Her siblings... that was another story.

After some time, Tana's father left. She was glad he had come around, but it still left a small pain in her heart. Trying not to think about it, she went to her laptop and started going over the story she was writing, to take her mind of reality. The light in the living area started off bright, but as she worked and the time went on, Tana soon found it was moving and darker. She had missed lunch and now it was dinner time.

Letting out a sigh and leaning back against the chair, she closed the lid of her laptop and sat in thought for a moment. She had a quick meal in the freezer, she could heat that up and watch something on the tv before going to bed. She looked around her house, feeling a bit lonely, but had to accept it and so she got up from the chair and went to her fridge. She looked in there first, and changed her mind, deciding that she would have just some carrot and cucumber sticks instead. After all, she hated the size she was and that was something healthier to eat.

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